The Day Of The Sinking Ship

This is Fruitycake. Some days are pretty much a struggle. We don’t know why. But it’s just the facts. Some years are that way too. I guess new years and new beginnings are not a bad idea.

Yesterday was one of those days. It was the second day of the new year. And after we first went to bring some supplies to a shelter for pets and a shelter for people too, we came back to the house rental to work some. Well. The persons did. Me and Brickle just wanted lunch. Breakfast. Dinner. All that.

Girl Person and Boy Person thought maybe Brickle could use a cheering up after all of his health scares lately.

And so we decided to get the canoe here, but his dog bed in it, and give him a ride in style.

Little did we know that there was a problem with that canoe. A real problem.

You see, I may not be a ship captain.

I may not be a pirate.

I may not even like the water. But I do know that a boat should not fill with water when you push it into the water. Especially with Brickle and Girl Person on it. Because in a matter of a few seconds, it was the infamous day of the sinking ship. And I was out. I was out of there.

As the front of the boat filled with water, Boy Person instructed the voyagers to not panic. But it was too late.

If you know Brickle at all, you know if he doesn’t want to do something, he will not.

And he was not gonna sink with that ship and with Girl Person’a purse sinking fast. He jumped out to shore as Girl Person tried to catch him and her at the same time. It was too late for the purse.

That boat was sinking so fast along with any hopes of ever getting Brickle to try that again.

Boy Person managed to get it out. Along with laughter from onlookers across the canal, the persons had to laugh too. They had been pretty down all day. They had felt pretty defeated with everything going on. But this bad definitely woke everyone up. And although Brickle was mad about the sinking ship, he was also reminded he was still alive. Breathing. Living. Able to try new things. For you see, it is better to live and fail than to give up and fail.

Do you feel like it’s your day of the sinking ship? We all have those days. And others do too. If we see someone struggling to shore, help them. Be a lifesaver.

You never know when you’ll be in need of help too.

I decided to show Brickle that even when one boat sinks, you can be brave and get on another.

Trying again can be scary. You just have to decide if the ship is worth sailing.

Fruitycake The Raccoon

Get a card in the mail from Brickle with his paw print here!

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