You’re Not Sick, You’re Just In Love

This is Peanut Butter Brickle. If anyone else gets sick in this house…whatever house that may be…anytime soon, I’m just go out in the middle of a field and bark my head off. Yeah. I’m that serious.

It’s been so hard the last few weeks with everyone. But, I feel like we are on the road to getting better.

We are on the road to moving forward. A car on the road shouldn’t go backwards. Not only is it dangerous, but it stops everyone else from getting anywhere. And yet, I feel like that’s what we have been doing lately. It’s time to stop this.

I’m thinking that I am going to proclaim everyone well around here. They don’t know this. But I don’t think they are sick. I just think that they are in love. In love with the dream of a better life for us in that Italy place. And because it’s taking so long to get there, they are tired. Sick of the fight. They aren’t sick. They are just in love. 😍

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It’s great to have a dream. But it’s better to work for that dream. If something or someone isn’t important to you, the fact is, you won’t try. And we still have our dream in that Italy place.

We still have our beautiful little house in that Italy place waiting for us. And so we are continuing to work for that dream.

When will it happen? A lot of balls are up in the air.

I have to feel good enough and be strong enough to go. Fruitycake too.

The persons have to get their paperwork approved. So we have to head to that Miami, Florida place on Friday. Then the persons have their appointment Monday.

You may remember that they tried this last year. And it didn’t work out. But they are not giving up. You don’t give up on something or someone that is important to you. You just don’t.

I wish I knew how all of this was going to work out. But you just have to work thru things and situations sometimes. No one else may understand a dream we have. You may not understand someone else’s dream. But that’s the great thing about dreams. A bunch of them make the world go round.

How can you explain what the heart wants? How can you explain love?

Sometimes we try to over explain things and justify them to others. But there is no need to do that. The most wonderful things in life have no explanation. Like how I got to be so handsome.

Your dream may not be to move to a little house in that Italy place. But whatever your dream is, be in love with it. Love yourself enough to try.

Peanut Butter Brickle

Tuesday, February 20th! Special puzzle of the original 2 Traveling Dogs, Brickle and Digby. Free shipping.

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