Welcome Back, Sharkee

This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle.  Last week, we found a shark.  You might remember that.  We took him back to the RV.  Then, we took him on a walk.  Then, Digby Pancake tried to eat him.  Then, I arrested Digby.  Then, a wave came up and swept the little shark out to see.  I put out a missing shark report.  I never gave up hope.  And I can’t make this stuff up.  I did what no Sheriff has ever been able to do.  I found a missing shark.

Some parts of my job have instant gratification.  Like when I arrest Digby.  But some parts of my job take patience.  Some parts of my job take diligence.  Some parts of my job take forgetting about it and letting things work themselves out.  And when you have a missing shark report out, there isn’t much you can do except look at the ocean and hope and wait.  And you wish you had given your shark a microchip the one night he lived with you.  Oh, Sharkee.

Some may be afraid of sharks.  I get that. But when you live with a shark for a night like we did Sharkee, you realize that we all just want love.  No matter if we are a person, a dog or a shark.

So there we were.  One week after we lost Sharkee to an ocean wave.  There we were.  In the same spot the wave had taken him from us.  And as we had been doing, we kept looking at the ocean.  Just hoping.

And then…all of a sudden, as we were standing there waiting for a treat from Girl Person, we looked down.  And there…right on top of the sand was Sharkee!  

Girl Person screamed.  I jumped up.  Digby peed on him.

Now, I could have arrested Digby again.  But I figured it was time to pick my battles.  After all, he didn’t try to eat Sharkee this time.  And so, the happiness we felt overshadowed all the heartache we had been feeling for the week.  We were not sure why we were so very sad all week because we had only known Sharkee for one day.  But sometimes, time stand still.

And now.  Now we have lots of questions for Sharkee.  Where did he go?  Who did he hang out with?  Did they have an RV?  A boat?  Did he go far?  Is he glad he is back?  We know he has many tales to tell.

We have a lot of catching up to do.  But we think we will let him rest first before I start my questioning. This case isn’t closed yet.

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

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