New To Me

This is Fruitycake The Raccoon. Just a reminder that I’m not a real raccoon. I just like to eat like one.

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We ended up in a place called New Market, Virginia place yesterday after a long day of driving.

And you know what? It was not only a new place to me. But a new place to Brickle too. Even though he has traveled so many miles in his years, he walked the streets with me for the first time of this place. It was new to me. And new to him. And it felt good to experience it together.

There are a lot of old buildings here. And in fact, we stayed in one from 1796.

That was even before Brickle was born.

We got to stay in a little cottage that once was a kitchen for the people that lived here. A whole house for a kitchen? They must have eaten as much as me.

We weren’t there for long. In fact, we leave this morning.

We are driving to a place called Stamford, Connecticut. We had to stay there for a few days because of the holiday weekend. It’s pretty hard to find places that allow dogs. But it worked out. And we will head into that New York place on Friday after our vet appointments again. This is an important one with lots of papers to get signed for our flight.

What I love about visiting so many different places is that it may be new to me. But it’s home to someone. And it’s always been home to someone.

Whether that be an animal or a bird or a person. Every place is loved and important to someone.

I think we should all be appreciative of the places we visit. It may not be our forever cup of tea. But we can take a sip and savor it. We can look at a place as teaching us something. And it’s new to me, this learning thing.

So take in places you visit. And when you have visitors, where you live, why not tell them something about your place? Your home. Make them see it in a new way.

Here we go! On the road again! Are you with us?


We’ve been able to write this blog thru the eyes of our rescues dogs every weekday since 2011 because of your support. You can tip the blog here!

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