Within The Hour

This is Peanut Butter Brickle. My whole life, I’ve heard “we are almost there.” Yeah. I’ve taken a lot of long road trips. And yesterday, was one of those trips. We drove and we drove. And we drove some some. We ran over a shredded tire on the highway. We got caught in many traffic jams. And not the good jam.

I am a seasoned traveler, that’s for sure. I’ve seen it all and all’s cousin. But even Fruitycake has been around the block a bit by now and has left his mark many places. Like Digby.

But even when you’re used to traveling and being on the go so much, it’s sometimes nice to hear you’re almost there. It’s sometimes nice to hear that you’ll be there within the hour. So when the persons told us we were going to take a break again, even though we were almost there, it was welcome. More than welcome.

Life is like a road trip. In many ways. You push and you go. You drive and you get stopped. You have mishaps. You see beautiful things. You have to stop. Then you start again.

But you also have to also realize you need a break. You have to realize you need others to help you on life’s trip.

And that’s why we are here at our friends’ house for a few weeks.

I know this blog today is as short as my corn dog tail. But Girl Person has a backache. And Fruitycake is scratching up a storm. Boy Person is trying to recover from the drive. And me? I just want to relax and watch the rain this morning.

Within the hour is what I’ve heard so many times. And the truth is, we can change our mindset, our thoughts and our path if we only realize that’s what life is.

Peanut Butter Brickle

We have exciting news. Most often, we don’t listen to our dogs. But they have a voice too. Now available on preorder only! The first book written by senior rescue dog, Peanut Butter Brickle. Now available on preorder. Book mailed June 30, 2024. Supplies limited. Get yours reserved at https://py.pl/1UsD2d

One thought on “Within The Hour

  1. I love this!!! And it’s so true. Brilliant wisdom. You’re a smart doggie. Chill, go with the flow, enjoy the ride, the detours, the rest periods along the way. You deserve a pup cup for this one. Enjoy!! 🩷

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