Meander If You Want To Get There

This is Deputy Digby Pancake. What does it mean to meander? I know what it means to go slow and take my time to get nowhere in particular. So, yes, I know how to meander! And when you are staying at a place called Crooked River State Park, you meander like the crooked river meanders.

And you don’t care to know where you are headed. Because there is no hurry when you meander. And to be in a hurry makes you worry. And I am not down with that.

To me, meandering is kind of like slow dancing.  You sway and you go slow.  Nothing complicated about that.

We got to St. Mary’s, Georgia the other day.  Just in time.

The Big Blue Treat Wagon was sputtering.  She was in no hurry.  Especially not over those bridges.

Since she had not traveled in awhile, she was taking her sweet time.  And when we got to camp, she decided that she didn’t want to open up about her feelings. And she wouldn’t let her slide outs open.  Well, if you know Girl Person, you know she isnt slow about saying she is a bit clausterphobic when it comes to tight spaces. And everyone except me had a bit of a panic attack. Boy Person said  that this trip, more than likely, things won’t just go wrong.  They will explode in here like a jack in the box.

But I am not worried about that now.  Point A to Point B we always say.  But when you are meandering, and you really don’t have a plan, it’s easy to not care as much.  What’s the rush?

Brickle sure didn’t see a rush when he climbed up that observation deck to look at the river.  He looked.  But then decided it was better to see it sitting down.

If we live in the moment, truly live in the moment, we go with the flow.  We go where the river takes us.  It will always take us somewhere.  It’s when we try to fight against the current and the order of things that we get into trouble.

We will all get to where we should be eventually.  We can make it hard on ourselves by not appreciating where we are and looking for the next place.  It’s good to have something to look forward to.  But if we lose the moment, we will lose the next moment too.  We have to break the cycle.

How long will we be here in Crooked River State Park in St. Mary’s, Georgia? Our current goal is to sit and rest a spell. That’s what you say in the south.  That means about a week.  We can’t seem to beat the heat anywhere. So when you can’t beat em’, join em’. And wait it out. It’s a pretty nice place to wait it out and see what we can find while we meander.

If you were not in a rush, what would you want to enjoy more?  If you could meander and not fly thru your day, can you imagine all that you could see?  If we all take a day, or even an hour to just look and meander and go with the flow, your path may even be more noticeable.  Meander and you will get there.  Where you are supposed to be.

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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2 thoughts on “Meander If You Want To Get There

  1. Patty

    Meandering is good. Love reading you wise words Digby. Praying your RV starts working as new and cooler weather. ❤❤🙏🙏🤗🤗

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