The Hidden Message At Dry Falls

This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle.  First, for everyone wondering, yes, you may have seen on our Facebook page yesterday that Deputy Digby hurt his paw.  He will be on worker’s comp for a few days while he recoups.  He has requested that his paw be wrapped in pancakes instead of bandages. I’m on it. But I’m not sure it would have stayed on yesterday when we went to Dry Falls.  Which made no sense really to have that name for a waterfall until Boy Person explained it to me.


Boy Person said that Dry Falls flows on the Cullasaja River through the Nantahala National Forest. Dry Falls flows over an overhanging bluff that allows persons to walk up under the falls and remain dry when the waterflow is low, hence its name. Um.  We did not stay dry. Just in case you are wondering, my hair got messed up.

img_1980As we were walking to the falls, I saw it in the distance.  There were a lot of other people there.  And we had to walk behind them for a bit.  Some of the persons seemed to be pretty scared of dogs or something.  I am used to that, but I thought how appropriate that we were walking behind a waterfall.  It’s been said that in every waterfall, there is a hidden message.  And I knew right away what this waterfall’s message was.  Can you hear it?

As dogs, we don’t do a lot of talking out loud.  But persons sure do.  Many times, what they talk about is other persons.  And not in a good way at all.

They think that if they talk behind their back, no one will get mad, or upset or rained on…like by the waterfall.  But what they don’t realize is that when they do this, their words say more about them than who they are talking about. Maybe they have used talking about others as a way to not feel love towards others because they are afraid of losing them one day.

When Digby stinks in the car, I tell him so in a good way, because I want him to be aware of the situation.  And try to fix it.  But unless someone invents an air freshener specifically for Digby smells, I know this is probably not possible. But at least I’m upfront about it.  And I would rather be with him smelling than not with him at all.  But I do wish the smells would subside.


I think that what persons seem to forget is that you can never really talk behind someone’s back and not get affected.  Because anything that we say negative about someone else…not out of love and concern…will only cause us to be more negative in life.  And who needs that?  I don’t.  When we are positive and talk positivity to people, and not behind their back, it may be hard to do.  We may not be used to being nice.  I’m not.  But I think that it will make us all better persons.  We were born to be loved, born to be alive. Not hidden behind negative words.

Appreciating Dry Falls from in front of it yesterday was an amazing thing.


And I will never forget its message.  I hope that you hear it too.

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

Catch our video on Dry Falls today on our Facebook page!

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2 thoughts on “The Hidden Message At Dry Falls

  1. Jacqueline

    Beautiful message, Sheriff. And the title of the blog reminds me of a Nancy Drew Mystery! I love you all, I hope Deputy’s paw is feeling better, poor boy!!!!! Lovely blog, and lovely videos and views. Have a beautiful day, Dear Family!!! xoxoxo <3 <3 <3 <3

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