I Miss Us

This is Peanut Butter Brickle.  It has been nice here in this Virginia place the last week.

We are here until Friday…and we have a special announcement on where we are going.  We will tell you on Thursday, so stay tuned.  I know, I know. The suspense is almost too much.

Girl Person has been missing Digby Pancake very, very much.  The sadness really seems worse when we are at places we went to with Digby.  But we are finding that we went almost everywhere with him.

And no matter where we are, the truth is, the sadness follows.  So when Girl Person was taking a run by herself, and she stopped in the woods because the Depression Monster caught up with her, she said she could almost picture Digby on that trail. She said she missed “us”.

She said she missed our family with Digby.

She said she can’t help but feel him in the trees, the streams, the waterfalls, the creeks, the everywhere.

It seems like so long ago that he was with us. And the truth is, nine months IS a long time.  It has been nine months since we lost Digby.

I know that the right thing to be is positive in life.  To try and remember the good times with the ones that we love.  Of course, that is the right thing to do.  But when you miss how YOU were with that person who is no longer around, it sure is hard.  I miss how we all were together. It won’t ever be the same as it was then.  That is the truth.  And I always tell the truth.

Fruitycake is here now and he makes up our family.  But our family is different. If I could have one wish, it would be for Digby and Fruitycake to be here with us.  And as much as I try to remember the good times, I have found that teaching Fruitycake the things Digby knew and taught us is the only thing that helps. It is like I am remembering his memory by passing on his wisdom to Fruity.  And Fruitycake appreciates that.  It is a great honor.

Do you miss someone today and every day?  The hurt feels different on different days.  But the one missing is the same.  You miss how your life was with that one. You miss how you were together.  It is ok to admit that.

The trick is finding a way to carry on without that one, yet honoring and appreciating that one.  Thanking them for where you are now. Because life would have been different.  I miss us, Digby.  I miss us so very much.

But I thank you for being so important to me and in my heart that I see you in the trees and the streams and the creeks and the forest.  You are always with me.

-Peanut Butter Brickle

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