If You Really Love Me, Won’t You Tell Me?

This is Deputy Digby Pancake. I am feeling wacky today! Probably because we are headed to somewhere called Waco in that Texas place. Wacky in Waco. Someone has probably used that job before. Well, good for them, I am the first pancake loving dog to use it. The joke is on them just like maple syrup is on my breath. Plus, Sheriff Brickle just told me my joke is bad. He had to get in one more arrest before we left Oklahoma today.

It is a strange feeling the day that we leave each state on the Adventure Of A Lifetime. Girl Person tends to overthink and I guess that is why her and Sheriff Brickle are so alike. On the day we leave, she has to say goodbye to everything she loved in the state and tell the state that in case we don’t ever see it again, we love it.

Life is short. For people and dogs. We never really know if we will see something or someone again. I feel that way every time I drive by a pancake restaurant or have a stack of pancakes, or smell pancakes. Or think about pancakes. I can’t bear to think I will never gaze upon them again, so I have to tell them how much I love them. Do you do that with things or people you love in your life too?

For this Oklahoma place, we are saying our goodbyes. Goodbye to the fresh air which tended to almost blow us away, but made us laugh at the same time. We say goodbye to the wonderful smelling wood we burned on the campfire. We thank the trees where that wood came from. And we thank the campground in Sulphur for giving us a peaceful place to just be. Just “being” is sure underrated. We also thank Oklahoma for their beautiful springs and introducing us to the Native American ways and food. And we also have to thank the animal rescuers we visited at Paws N Ada in Ada, Oklahoma. We had a wonderful week. (Catch the full video HERE)

We hope those that live in this Oklahoma place thank it every day. You have much to be proud except there could be more pancake places in my opinion. But that would go for every state so far. At least you have fry bread.  Ok, Oklahoma.  Fry bread is really pancakes in disguise for me.  I love you.  I’m telling you.  I really love you.


We don’t know if we will ever be back in this Oklahoma place. We don’t know if our travels will ever lead us here again. So in case this is the last time we see you Oklahoma, we thank you and tell you that we love you. Thank you for being here. I do not thank you for that man driving around in a surrey though that sings everything. If he decides to leave, call me. Sheriff Brickle does not like him either. They both think everyone is in love with them.  They pretty much don’t need anyone to tell them so.


We have a very long drive today. Very long. Texas is as big of a state as Brickle’s attitude, and we are splitting our time up in between Waco and Texas Hill Country and the wine region. The persons have also informed me that we will be taking a few days off to get us back on schedule and recoup a bit. So here we come, Texas! We have a visit planned with the Humane Society Of Central Texas and we can’t wait to meet them and their adoptables like Gingerbread here. share3.jpg

So here we go to Texas! I hear that the stars at night are big and bright.

I have a hat. I have some boots. And I am ready to go. Let’s do this!

You are saying baby
It’s time to go
First the feeling’s alright
Then it’s gone from sight
So I’m taking out this time to say
Oh if you really love me won’t you tell me
Oh if you really love me won’t you tell me
And if you really love me won’t you tell me

We love you, Oklahoma.

-Deputy Digby Pancake

Do you know what we really love? An organic shampoo that is good for you, your dog and the environment. Those are all very important things! We have to tell 4-Legger we love them, not only for their great products, but for giving back to every single rescue we have visited on this Adventure Of A Lifetime! If you go to their website and sign up for their emails, you get 20% off your first order. Seriously. Try it. We wouldn’t recommend something we did not believe in, and we love the products and just as much, the people behind 4-Legger. Please, please, “like” them on Facebook today, and tell them thank you.


4 thoughts on “If You Really Love Me, Won’t You Tell Me?

  1. Jacqueline

    Sheesh, I didn’t mean “forget” to all of the poor souls that passed there, but just give new meaning to Wacky In Waco!!! Apologize for that verbage!!!! xoxoxoxo

  2. Jacqueline

    Yes, Digby, I REALLY love you!!!! I’m the same way as Girl Person, whenever I leave my state, and my people, I try to drink up every nuance so that I remember it, Just In Case. Awesome! I’m kind of sentimental. Please, yes, be so careful in Texas, I’ve been there many times, the driving gets tedious, and also, the weather can turn on a dime, some of the most beautiful and CRAZY weather things I’ve ever seen were there. So be safe!! Can’t wait, I’m glad you’re taking some time off as well. Love you all!!! xoxoxo <3
    P.S. I believe the Wacky In Waco may have applied to the Branch Davidians, (YIKES!!!!) so make a better name for that phrase, Deputy, so we can forget that nightmare!!! GO DIGBY GO!!! PANCAKES FOR ALL!!!! *kisses to you and Sheriff!!! *

  3. Lisa Elam

    You will love Texas guys! Plenty of things to arrest, plenty of pancakes to eat! ♡ you guys, enjoy your stay here in Texas!!

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