You’re Every Word, You’re Every Line, You’re Our Everything.

This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle.  I feel like I should be brushing up on my Italian barking since the persons are headed off to Italy this weekend.  So ciao!  Buongiorno! Which is correct? I don’t know.

First, we are going to our Aunt Veronica’s today.  Girl Person took us there a few days ago just to make sure we were ok with it.  And besides my new roommate, who now will be referred to as jailbird, I am ok with it.  As ok as I can be with it.

The RV is headed to its vacation spot too.  The persons are going to take it there after they drop us off.  And I am going to miss my house on wheels.  I really am.  Digby Pancake definitely is too.  It was hard cleaning out the refrigerator, but we did it.  We just felt it was part of our contribution to this Italy adventure.  But as Girl Person was washing the dishes this morning, she didn’t think that I saw her, but she started crying when some song came on.

Boy Person told her that she had to stop crying because she was going to get me upset.  But the truth was, I am not upset.  I am upset that she thinks I am upset.  But we are going to be fine.  I tried to let her know that, and she seemed to get it.  So after she gathered herself together, she decided that the best thing she could do was sing me the song in a happy way and change some of the lyrics.  Of course, she will not win any awards for that version, but Digby and I put it at the top of our charts.

Seems to me that the persons need a bit of reminder about why they are headed to England and then Italy.  Seems to me that a happy trip should not be unhappy.  Obvious? It is.  If there is one thing I don’t question besides the lack of peanut butter cookies in the house right now, it is the persons’ love for us and our trust to them.  Everything is gonna be ok.  Everything is gonna be alright.

You see, we want this to be fun for you too! We think you are going to enjoy looking for houses in Italy with the persons, the things that they get to see, and the adventures they will have.  We will be checking in too, so that you know we are ok.  Instead of sad songs, we are putting on our happy faces.  Life for us has not been routine the past three years, and we aren’t about to change that!  Life can be lived sitting still, but if you have the chance to explore, to make yourself better by visiting new places and learning, then do it! And so get your Italian phrases memorized!

We are out of here! Arrivederci!

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

We have a new shirt to celebrate our trip for a limited time! We hope you love it! Shop now!


2 thoughts on “You’re Every Word, You’re Every Line, You’re Our Everything.

  1. Theresa Bates

    Enjoy your spaw vacation while the Persons are checking out things in Italy. Is the BBTW going on a spaw vacation too? Maybe to the BBTW hospital for some surgery? Or just a nice resting place to park and not have to be anything but a quiet empty BBTW with no cares or responsibilities in the world? Hope you boys and the persons can have a lot of fun during your time separated from one another, and that all of you will be refreshed. That whatever the results of the Italian exploration, the ultimate outcome makes all of you happy. Can’t wait to see what happens!

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