Shoo-Flea Pie

This is Deputy Digby Pancake. Welcome to this Pennsylvania place! It’s going to be a week of being out in the country and enjoying the moment! It’s also going to be a week of eating. You can never leave that out. Especially when you are in this Pennsylvania place.

I heard about something called a Shoo-Fly Pie that persons love here. I know desserts. Why was I unaware of this?

I don’t like flies. I don’t like sky raisins, as Sheriff Brickle calls them.

But in my opinion, since we’ve had so many fleas lately, I thought a more appropriate pie version would be a Shoo-Flea pie. Because these fleas have definitely been getting shooed and booted out of here.

Girl Person said that the best way to get to know a place is by what persons eat. But. There is no harm in putting your own spin on things. Tradition is great. But making something your own feels pretty good too.

So Girl Person said since we were resting yesterday, she would help us all recover from our travel hangover and make us some Shoo-Flea pie while we took a break in the sunshiney.

I thought it was wonderful. But the fleas? Not so much. Who needs flea spray when you have Shoo-Flea pie?

I’m not sure that the pie was my favorite. But I’m not sure that it wasn’t. So I’ll have to try again.

But perhaps next time, I’ll refuse the company of fleas with my pie.

We are happy to be in the Pennsylvania place until Monday! There is so much to see and enjoy. We hope you’ll come with us as we learn.

Every place has someone from there. Every place has its own history and recipes and traditions. It’s good to respect traditions and hold them in our hearts. But never think that you can’t enjoy something your own way. Your own speed. You don’t always have to do what is expected of you. Don’t let others map out your life.

Because appreciation comes from what is meaningful to us. Find out how to make life delicious with your individual taste! But no. I didn’t save you a piece of pie. You’ll have to find your own.

Deputy Digby Pancake

Back by popular demand for one week! Don’t miss out!