No Ride

This is Peanut Butter Brickle. Some days are just meant for the history books. You live it. You forget it. You put it on the shelf.

It was kinda like that here yesterday. Girl Person decided to go to the store to get Fruitycake some special food to help his allergies.

And when she was on the way back, she was stopped in her tracks. Well, Slow Ride The Car was stopped in her tracks. Literally.

A tire blew out with a force stronger than my handsome.

She pulled over and got out, looked at the situation, and quickly concluded she wasn’t going anywhere.

So she called Boy Person. The only thing he could do was to run 5 miles to help her. And although he’s not as fast a roadrunner, he was worried about Girl Person and ran as fast as he could.

When he got there, it took awhile to get everything sorted out. And me and Fruitycake were worried. So when they finally came back home, we didn’t give them a guilt trip for being gone so long. We just made sure we showed them we were happy to see them.

Slow Ride has been a good friend and car to us. She’s put up with a lot. But it’s true. We complain about her a little bit. Because she has some faults. But when she turned into No Ride yesterday, those faults seemed very little. She is our freedom. A way to get supplies and food. She was meant to be only a temporary car for a few weeks until we got to Italy. And it’s been way longer.

Do you have a Slow Ride individual in your life? Maybe you love them, but they might get on your nerves. But what if they broke down tomorrow?

What if you lost them?

Would you remember their faults or the good things about them?

We are in the middle of some big decisions right now. A bit of a transition. And it’s not easy. It’s just not.

But just like we got Slow Ride to go again yesterday, we can do this. We can do anything when we have each other. And yes. That includes Slow Ride right now.

Cherish the ones in your life. Faults and all! We all need encouragement and love and someone to believe in us. Be that for the ones you love while you can.

Peanut Butter Brickle

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