You Have A Box Of Crayons

This is Fruitycake The Raccoon. When you are a former stray dog like me, you notice a lot in the world. I was always protecting myself. I was always aware of my surroundings. And now, in my new family and my new life, I’m still taking notice.

Yesterday when we were hiking in this North Carolina place, I got very scared. A man Person was on the trail with tools.

And making loud noises. And I surprised Girl Person by trying to jump off the boardwalk. I surprised myself that I was still having setbacks in my new life. I don’t know where it came from. And I knew right then I couldn’t let that color the rest of my day in a negative way.

I had to pull out my box of crayons and pick the happy colors in my mind to forget it.

I found a bench on the next turn in the trail. And I knew it was meant for me.

The colors of our attitude color not only our world, but the world of others.

We have a box of crayons with many colors.

Are we choosing the optimistic colors when we can?

We all have past memories that hurt. Some hurt so bad that we remember them at the most unexpected times like I did yesterday. But I can’t let my past paint my today. I deserve more. You deserve more too.

So choose the happy colors today. The ones you want to paint a beautiful picture with.

I bet it will be beautiful!

Fruitycake The Raccoon

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