What The Ground Holds

This is Peanut Butter Brickle. It may be surprising that I don’t know everything. Even in all of my 14 years, there is something I have learned each and every day.

I love learning. I love learning about our earth and how we each use it.

I love learning about the flowers and the trees.

I love learning about the animals and how we can take care of them.

I have learned that when we take care of the earth, it takes care of us. All of us.

And I know that to be true at our little house in Italy. Even if we haven’t made it there yet. I did see something. Do you see it in the video?

Yes. The persons explained to me that on the property there is something called a cistern.

Now we don’t know if the cistern works. But it is there. and hopefully, we can get water once we find out about it and how to make the water clean. A cistern is a container for collecting and storing water. It can be large or small, underground or above-ground, and frequently supplied by a well, spring or rainwater. Most often used for irrigation, some cistern water systems can also supply household water. I bet you didn’t know a dog like me knew all of that.

Oh, how our earth helps us, doesn’t it? What the ground holds there is water. And our hopes for a simple and fulfilling life.

A place where we can work yet find satisfaction in our work.

A place that we can dream about the future and remember the ones in our past that will be there in spirit with us. Like Digby.

I find it amazing that the ground holds hope. And that the ground provided and helps things to grow.

And the ground holds our Digby too. And many we have all lost. I know. This is hard for me to say. But I have to. Because I find it beautiful. And I want to say it.

Because I find it comforting that we can help the earth and the cycle of life even when we are no longer here.

Yet, when we go back to the earth, our memory is still with others. Digby has helped our decision to go on this Italy adventure. Because he is still alive in our hearts.

You see, even the cistern on our property in that Italy place has brought some feelings up. More learning. More growing.

It’s already rescuing us even though we haven’t helped it yet. And the earth does the same. Although it takes care of those who still don’t take care of it, be one who does take care of it. Be a cistern of hope for the future while holding the memory alive of ones that we miss and love.

Peanut Butter Brickle

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