The Path Of Fishy Fish

This is Fishy Fish.  Not sure if we have met before.  But I have been with Brickle and Digby and their persons for a few months now in this Florida place campground with a beach.  No, no, I was not in their campsite.  Of course, my house is the ocean.  Yet, almost every night, I took my path to where they would be.  I swam so that I could look at them on the shore.  I saw Sheriff Brickle, who has no jurisdiction in the waters, I do have to say.  I saw him gazing into the ocean like he loved it beyond words.  Oh, I know love when I see it. Even though I am a Fishy Fish.


But I also know that the Deputy Digby Pancake fellow wasn’t as keen on the ocean waves as his brother.  No, Digby was a land sort of fellow, born without sea legs and yearning for the call of the woods.


I have never been to the woods, although I have heard tales about it.  I suppose if I ever see the woods, it will mean I am out of the ocean…so yeah.  I’ll stick to my path here.

You see, my name is Fishy Fish because I smell like a fish, because, well, I am a fish.  And when you are a fish that smells like a fish, you are what you were meant to be, and you are quite proud of it.  I am proud to say as well that I love my home of the ocean.  I never would want to go anywhere else.  Which is why I stay far away from those poles with lines and hooks on them.  Never have understood why persons want to take fish out of their homes when we are just trying to be happy too.

Some fish I heard have glass homes, and I have been told through generations of my family that they can’t swim very far in there.  Did you know that fish like to swim horizontally and not vertically? That’s why fish in those glass houses aren’t very happy either since they don’t have much room to swim.  And for them, their path is the same one over and over, unlike fishy fish like me who have the whole ocean available as our path.  And as I was contemplating this while looking at Sheriff Brickle on the shore, it occurred to me.  What did Brickle and Digby and their persons with legs think about their path?  Were they going to be happy in one glass house with the same paths over and over again?  Or did they need a bigger ocean?  I wondered.


And as I heard them talking about packing up and leaving camp on Monday, I wondered where they were going.  And where their path was going to lead them.  To a glass house of sorts or a bigger ocean? And although I want to come along, my path is right here, in my ocean.  Maybe you have your ocean too.


I will miss them every morning and every night as I have my dinner.  I will miss the smell of Deputy Digby who in fact, also smells like a fish.  But I know that their paths will lead to them where they are supposed to be.  For now.  And isn’t that what is important? The now is all we have.  Fish like me rely on how our water is now.  Right now.  If it is polluted, we can’t live.  If we don’t swim with the tides, we can’t live.  We have to go where it is healthy for us to go.  And you are no different, persons and dogs.  Go where you need to go for now.  And maybe one day, where you need to go will be here again.  If not, maybe I will see you on another shore.

-Fishy Fish

To celebrate our new path, we have a new shirt design! Only available for a very limited time!