Are The Birds Singing Louder?

This is Deputy Digby Pancake. Is it just me that doesn’t feel like doing much of anything lately?

Everyone seems to be at their own house. It should be time to catch up on projects. And work. And exercise. Yet, motivation is only directing me to the refrigerator. I wonder what else is in there today. Whatever it is, it’s calling my stomach and my name real loud.

What is calling your name? Is it that lasagna you made? I heard about it. Is it those five bags of potato chips that were supposed to last a month? I heard about that too.

But what you may not realize is that other things are calling your name right now. But can you hear them?

As our world gets quieter with less traffic and commotion, the birds and the animals are enjoying it. Have you noticed? The birds are singing…well…louder.

I can even hear them singing over the song of my stomach.

Yes. It’s true. If the birds sound louder, it’s because they are happy. Content. They know nothing about a virus. But do you want to know a secret? Birds sing louder normally to hear themselves above the noise of airplanes. Or traffic. And so I wonder. Are they louder, or are we hearing them the way we were always meant to?

When others around us are joyful or happy, we notice. But we also may not notice it’s contagious to us. We feel better. Their mood makes our world brighter. Even if we are in the darkness.

So be a bird today. But don’t eat like one. Sing as loud as you can. Sing joyfully. Dance like no one is watching. Because guess what? No one is watching.

Maybe you’re not feeling like yourself because you are used to the chaos and commotion and loudness of the world.

But use this time to hear yourself and be yourself. And when you head to the fridge, can you grab me some ice cream?

Deputy Digby Pancake

Have you heard? Tall Tails having a photo contest. If you’re working at home with your dog, you’re going to love it!

Many are spending more time with their dogs at home now! Now, more than ever, it’s important to keep our dogs clean, happy, and comfy at home. We want to show you some of our favorite products this month from Tall Tails and also tell you about their contest right now!

🐶 The Clean Paws Drying Mitt

🐶 The Wet Paws Bath Mitt

🐶 The Cape Dog Towel

Your dog is so happy you’re at home. But what your dog doesn’t know though is that by all of us being at home, our local pet stores & the shelters in our communities are struggling through an unprecedented economic situation.

📸 This fun photo submission from Tall Tails is a contest where you can help support your local pet store and shelter.Go to upload a photo or photos to show how your favorite new co-worker 🐶 is helping you with a project or distracting you with their cuteness while you WFH.

Your submission will be entered for a chance to win the Ultimate WFH Bundle! AND for every photo submitted Tall Tails will be contributing $1 in product to animal shelter partners.PLUS, you can nominate your favorite Independent Local Pet Specialty Retailer.

Each nomination will earn them discounts off their next order at Tall Tails. The more nominations the higher discount!Have fun and remember to use coupon code 2TD 2TD-15 to save on any product at
