Waffle In Your Pocket

This is Fruitycake The Raccoon. I’ve learned a lot about my brother Digby Pancake. I never got to meet him, but I am honored to carry on the legacy of loving food.

Girl Person likes to cook things for us in her magic kitchen. We go and get groceries, we bring them into the RV, and she puts it in the kitchen and it magically turns into deliciousness.

I love the magic kitchen.

One of my favorite things is the magic waffle that comes out of the magic kitchen.

In fact, when you run out of treats and you use a magic waffle for treats, and you put it in your pocket, I can’t concentrate on anything else. Especially when we go on a walk and that waffle keeps calling my name.

Brickle says that magic waffles are very magical. He says there is no use in trying to resist them.

Happiness is found in all kinds of things. Even a waflle in a pocket. Especially a waflle in a pocket.

Do you let the bad distractions in life overshadow the good distractions? Concentrates on what is good today instead of what is bad. You may have forgotten how to do that. And it may take some practice.

It may even take a waffle in your pocket.

Fruitycake The Raccoon