Story In The Grass

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This is Fruitycake The Raccoon. Relaxing. It’s not something that comes too easy for me. I’m used to looking out for myself at all times. I’m used to noise and to harshness. Sometimes, our world can be harsh.

So when Brickle showed me and told me that it is ok to relax sometimes, especially after we eat dinner, I knew I could try. But it wouldn’t be very easy. But if Brickle says something, it must be true.

Girl Person takes us for a walk after dinner. And she has started telling us stories. She says she is just now able to talk about Digby Pancake with happy memories. She says when she talks about him in the past tense, it seems real. And makes her real sad he is gone.

But all of a sudden, she started telling me and Brickle a story in the grass about Digby Pancake. We sit down. We relax.

And she starts it off with “Once upon a time, there was a very special dog named Digby Pancake.”


The stories change each and every day.  I always look forward to them now.

 I realize that if Digby was still here, I would not be here with this family. I may not be here at all.  When Digby passed away, Girl Person says my way was made possible.  She said I should be grateful.  And I am grateful.  And I plan to make his legacy and his gift to me count.  I will.  I promise I will.

I am not used to feeling so many emotions.  How is it possible to to feel happy and sad at the same time? How is it possible to be grateful yet feel guilty? How is it possible to love someone so much that you never met?  Digby, I am listening to your stories.  

And I promise that the gift you gave to me will never be forgotten.

And you won’t be forgotten. There will be endless stories in the grass.

-Fruitycake The Raccoon

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