Miami Twice

This is Peanut Butter Brickle. There are few things that I like to do twice. I’m all about new. New places and new faces. New smells and new sounds. About the only thing I like twice is twice baked potatoes.

But although I’ve been to that Miami place more than once, I have to admit that experiencing it with Fruitycake this time was fun. Relaxing.

And even though the persons had to work, and talk to the consulate, we made the most of our time.

Miami is hot in temperature. But it’s hot with things to do. It’s nice to see all of the different people and cultures that live there. I love variety. Don’t you?

Sometimes when we travel and talk to others, we hear them say that they don’t like places where they don’t know the language. They somehow feel uncomfortable. They don’t want to experience the food and culture someone else loves.

And I think they are missing out.

Don’t you love to tell others about where you came from? About the food you like? Don’t you get excited when they get excited? The world is shared by all of us and owned by none of us.

So make the most use of your time. And if you’ve been somewhere before and were scared to go to that restaurant or try that new food, don’t make me ask you twice. Go. Try the flavors of the world. It’s so fun. It’s so loving. Live. Taste!!

We are back in that Tampa, Florida place today trying to figure out our next steps to that Italy place. Stay tuned.

Peanut Butter Brickle

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