Happy Gotcha Day, Fruitycake!

This is Peanut Butter Brickle. Things have been a lot about me lately. Obviously, it’s hard not to be the center of attention when you have this much handsome. But I have been taking up a lot of the persons’ time. Not because I want to feel bad. It’s just the way things are right now.

But today, it’s time to step back and make it a good day for my little brother, Fruitycake.

You see, two years ago today, he joined our family.

He took his first ride with us to freedom, and the chance at a good life.

In some ways, it seems like Fruitycake has always been with us. And yet, the difference he has made in my life and so many others lives is beyond comprehension.

We haven’t traveled the same roads that Digby traveled. But that’s ok too. Because we are all meant to make a difference in ways that are unique to each of us. Fruitycake may think that we saved him from that shelter with over 600 dogs.

But the truth is, he saved me. He helped me to live after losing Digby.

Fruitycake helped the persons to remember their calling. He made us all feel needed again.

And he has made us laugh till our stomachs hurt.

With an appetite for all that life has to offer, this day is for you, Fruitycake. With fruitcake.

With pickles.

With roast beef. With all of your stuffed animals.

I know that things haven’t been easy for you lately. We’ve had to stop traveling so much, and I know you love it.

We’ve had to slow down and we’ve had to go to vets instead of waterfalls.

But I know that thru it all, you are ok with this too right now. I know you’d do anything for me.

I know you know how much I love you, even if I don’t express it like you.

You are my little brother. My comfort. My joy. My entertainment. And I’m so very happy you rescued us.

Happy Gotcha Day, Fruitycake!

Peanut Butter Brickle

Today only, celebrating Fruitycake’s favorite picture of him and Brickle! Get your signed card here!