Wish You Were Here

This is Peanut Butter Brickle. Well, if you can’t see my excitement about being at Disney World, well, you should.

The persons tell me that they took me here because I like attractions. And I like being a part of the action with people. And one day here, well, I can tell you the truth. I’m feeling happier than I have since my brother left us. I feel a little and a lot guilty about being happy without him here. Digby, I wish you were here. I really. Really do.

It’s not that I think Digby would be super impressed with all of these shenanigans. All of the going’s on.

But we liked to experience things together. Because we were so different, it made things funner.

So not to have him here is strange. Very strange. And although I want to enjoy it, I don’t know if I should. Have you ever felt guilty about being happy?

Girl Person told me that she feels like I do. But if we work on it together, we can talk about what Digby would like and try to honor him by doing something he would enjoy.

Like maybe a good treat or a dog park run. Yes, there is a dog park here too!!!

When we lose the ones we love, I think the guilt about still living is truly real. How can I breathe without my best friend? How can I enjoy dinner or a hike?

How is it that everything reminds me of you, Digby? The only time we’ve been apart for 12 years was when one of us went to the vet. And I miss you. I miss you so much. I wish you were here.

They say Disney World is the happiest place on earth.

My happy place right now is remembering the good times and the special times.

And so while I am at Disney trying to feel better, I will picture you here too, Digby. Oh, how I wish you were here.

Peanut Butter Brickle

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