The City Park

This is Peanut Butter Brickle.  We all like different things, don’t we?  We all like different things at different times, don’t we?  Life is like that.  It is full of variety, and the nice thing is, you can pick what you want in your day, just like you can pick what is in your ice cream.  I think you know what kind I think you should pick…

It is true. We love the country.  We love the woods.

We love the creeks and the streams and rivers and trees.

We also love the ocean.  At least I do.  Digby Pancake could take it or leave it.  He doesn’t have a beach body like I do.

But some days, we do like variety.  We like something different than the woods and the beach.  A new love that we have found is city parks.  Yes.  Even country boys can enjoy the city now and again.

It surprised me too.  Because I didn’t know I would like a city park, and Digby didn’t know either.

But Girl Person took us. And it was interesting.  There was people to watch, doing people things.

They were playing something called disc golf which looked like chasing frisbees to me. We felt like we were spectators at people sports.  There were people playing tennis.

There were people playing soccer.

There were people being peopley.  So we took a moment or five moments, and we just watched.  It felt good to feel like we belonged with the people doing all the peoplely things.  It felt good to watch them enjoy themselves and it felt good to watch them be themselves.  I had a feeling that it was at this park that they felt most like themselves.

Dogs want you to be happy.  Dogs also want to be a part of your happiness.  We don’t like it when you feel like walking us is a chore.  We don’t like seeing you busy and stressed.  We like to see you enjoy yourself.  And I think that is what we most like at the city parks.

Will the country ever leave our hearts? No way.  That is where WE are most ourselves.  But variety is the spice of life.  And seeing people happy is certainly a spice I like to add to my day.  So today, I want you to try a new place. Take your dog to a new place. Take your SPIRIT and your HAPPY to a new place.  You never know what you will learn that you like…about others and about yourself.

-Peanut Butter Brickle

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