Too Much Of A Good Thing

This is Peanut Butter Brickle. Can you have too much of a good thing? I’ve often pondered that question as I look at my brindle stripes.

Seems to me that by looking at my stripes, and the abundance of them, the answer would be no. There can’t be too much of a good thing. But sometimes, the stripes don’t tell the whole story.

Take for example, Girl Person. Here she was in this Helen, Georgia place.

Very happy with all of the pickled delights and sauerkraut she had found to eat. And she ate them all. And she ate more. And for three days that is about all she ate. And she was happy about it. Until she realized that sometimes, well, you can have too much of a good thing.

On her third day of pickled indulgence, she topped everything off with two, pickled Brussel sprouts and a bowl of yep. Sauerkraut.

And then she took me and Digby for a walk. But about halfway thru the walk, she looked funny. She started getting sick. And I knew this was serious.She was pale.

But then, her hands started itching. Her feet started itching.

She ran to the RV and exclaimed to Boy Person that something was dreadfully wrong. Not sure what the neighbors thought.

He tried to figure it all out. He asked what she had eaten. He tried to get a cell signal to look it up. Then she started breaking out in hives. And it was determined. Too much of a good thing for days on end had caught up with her. She was having an allergic reaction.

The persons aren’t ones to panic. But they were worried. And after the past week of falls and rain and cold, this was enough to make them question everything about travel.

Do you ever feel like that? One bad day or one bad week can make you question your whole life. But just like there will always be bad days, there are more good days. There isn’t an end to those. We can forget that though when we are going thru the hard ones.

It’s on the hard days when we can catch our breath that we can reflect. We can look back and see how strong we were. And are. And we can remember to eat more than just pickles and sauerkraut.

That would be a good thing.

Peanut Butter Brickle

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