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It’s Stealing Even When No One Sees

This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle. I’ve really been working overtime lately. I’ve been making a lot of arrests.

We’ve been camping at the farm for a long time now. And when I love a place as much as I do the farm, I feel it is my duty to protect it. Even all the sunflowers. Yes. Call me the sunflower bodyguard.

You see, the farm family here planted fields and fields of sunflowers.

People can come and pay to pick the flowers.

But there is a row of sunflowers that is special. They don’t want those flowers to be picked.

And even though there are fields and fields of flowers, persons come and pick the flowers they aren’t supposed to.

Because then, they don’t pay for them. And they think no one is watching. But they are wrong. I am watching.

The secret is, I’m sure I don’t see everyone who is stealing. And maybe no one else does either. But no matter if someone sees them or not, it’s still stealing.

And I wonder. I have to wonder. Do they know that it’s wrong? Do they know why it is wrong? Do they care?

You see, stealing is more than just taking something that doesn’t belong to you. You’re taking someone’s time. The farm family had to buy the sunflower seeds. Plant them. Water them. Care for them.

The farm family has to pay for their farm. The people that work at their farm.

The farm family has to feed the community. People count on them. The same people that may be stealing the sunflowers.

One action can cause many problems. Problems that may come back to you. So yes. Even if no one can see you steal that sunflower, it’s stealing. And you may be stealing from yourself.

We’ve all made mistakes. Maybe we regret those mistakes. Maybe you have taken something in the past that didn’t belong to you. But leave those actions in the past. Be an example to others. You don’t need a sign to do the right thing.

You don’t need the police to do the right thing.

You need to answer to yourself and do the right thing.

Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

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