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Protect That

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This is Fruitycake The Raccoon. There are many things that I value and that I need to keep. Like my stuffed raccoon.

Like my appetite.

Like my jumping for joy.

What do you value and take care of? Are you carrying your happy around with you today?

We all have feelings. We all have things that happen in our day that affect those feelings. When I see a hiking trail, my happy laughs. When I smell dinner, oh, my appetite wakes up! But you also carry about all of your other emotions too. There is sad in there. And mad. And frustration. And anger.

Do you willingly give away your happy to let the other emotions out? I see persons do this every day. You are wrapping up the gift of happy and giving it away.

Instead of taking care of and protecting their happy, they dwell on negativity. They willingly make themselves sad by listening to bad news. By thinking of everything wrong in the world. They find fault with others.

And their happy just goes away. They don’t protect that.

Would you eat a bad meal that was burned or poisoned on purpose. No. You wouldn’t do that. So why do you take in bad things and watch them and listen to them and talk about them? Can’t you protect that happy?

Count today how many times you make decisions that will affect your mood. And see how you can change that. If I can be happy despite all I have been through, you can too. I don’t need to dwell on the past.

Because my next hike is closer than the past. And that’s what I look to.

My happy is worth protecting. And so is yours.

Fruitycake The Raccoon

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