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Life Is Not A Beach, But It Should Be

This is Deputy Digby Pancake.  It has been a very busy week here at camp.  Not only did I have to find that Dog Star we wrote about Monday and Tuesday and lasso it down, but I have had to lasso down the persons’ attitude.  A Deputy’s job is never done, is it?  The Sheriff gets all the credit, and I just get the pancakes.  Wait.  I guess that isn’t so bad.

It goes without saying, but I will still say it, that life for persons may be a little stressful.  No, not because that is the way life should be.  Because, it should not be.  It should not.  I’ll say it again.  It just should not.  But, when a lot of persons are doing something, and they do it everyday, those somethings start to become normal.  Expected.  How is the chaos of what persons call daily life normal? As a dog, I will say something else.  You have it all wrong.

When you’re too tense it’s common sense to relax-ay-voo

As we went on a hike in the early morning yesterday, we took our time.  We looked at the trees, we peed on some trees.  Well, just me and Brickle.  When persons do that, it is frowned upon.  We took in the breeze, and we even looked out over the water.

Girl Person told us that she was going to have to go to the store later and the post office.  She told us that we could relax a little while after our hike with Boy Person. I am not sure I like it when Girl Person leaves.  She never seems to be in a better frame of mind when she comes back.  And well, I guess I don’t understand why the persons put themselves through that.  She says that they have to get groceries, and mail stuff.  But they have to sit in traffic for a long time listening to news on the radio that’s bad.  Everyone always seems to be in a hurry to go yell at someone.  And most of the time, even when they go to a store, they complain they couldn’t find what they needed.  I am not sure why all the persons run around in circles when they could simply just sit.  On the beach.

The more you earn the less you learn to relax-ay-voo

I conveyed my thoughts to Sheriff Brickle on this who always seems to have an answer for everything.  He said that we could not have fancy, schmancy dinners if the persons didn’t go get the groceries.  But they had to work to get the groceries and the cars that drove them to get the groceries.

I don’t have to try to relax-ay-voo
Chum I’m much to numb to relax-ay-voo

And all of this? Well, I guess the persons have gotten used to trying to work harder to get more stuff and fight to get the stuff.

Your doctor bills they hold for pills to relax-ay-voo

But for us, now that we have parked ourselves in one place for a little while, we see things differently.  It is hard when you have been on the road for so long and have been to so many places to be the same as before you started.  The things that were important to our persons before the trip sure don’t seem as important now.  In fact, daily life seems pretty overrated.  Fighting to be in a routine of fighting seems useless.  And after yesterday, just running errands, the persons said they just couldn’t do it anymore.  They weren’t going to play into the fight of life, because to them, life was worth more than that.  Way more than that.

Obviously, we have not found a house yet here.  One of the reasons the persons say is that they aren’t willing to pay so much for something that it causes them to work harder and then they have to get more jobs and leave the Sheriff and I.  Another reason is that no place has felt like home more than the Big Blue Treat Wagon.

Trying to make puzzle pieces fit together that just don’t match up is what we feel we are trying to do. If real life is stressful, who needs it?  If being successful means a fancy car and a house that isn’t on wheels, but that we have to fight to get it, who needs that either? The real life should feel like a beach, all of the time.  We should all have time to relax.

Work should be enjoyable, the ride to work should be enjoyable.  We have to work to break the mold of what is expected of us and what is expected that we pay for.  What really matters is peace.  Peace of mind, quality in life and not quantity.  Until persons realize that, they will keep chasing their tails I am afraid.  And just like a dog, you probably will never catch it.

Our drum is apt to snap and go boom boom
And when you go they’ll take your dough
 Cause it’s tax-ay-voo relax-ay-voo

Is it time that you took a break?  A breather to see what and who is important to you?  Even though you may do the same things day in and day out, if it stresses you out, think about how you can change it.  You only have so many days.  Seconds add up to minutes.  Minutes add up to hours.  Hours add up to days.  Spend it wisely.

Take a tub to relax-ay-voo
Bub, I sit and scrub to relax-ay-voo
The girls pursue those fellows who can relax-ay-voo
Relax, relax, relax, relax-ay-voo

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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