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Who Is In Your Picture Frame?

This is Deputy Digby Pancake. If you have ever loved something so much that you could feel it in your bones…and you could imagine it from far away, well, you know how I feel about the mountains. It’s been a long time. In fact, I have never been to these particular mountains before. But I knew I wanted to come.

Some of us were meant to sport our beach body like Sheriff Brickle. Some of us were meant to cover that stuff up. Like me. But I can’t cover up my excitement about being here.

The persons say we are driving the whole length of the Blue Ridge Parkway starting in this Virginia place.

Well, no matter what they call it, I call it heaven.  And the start of our adventure has already proven to me that your happy place can be somewhere that you haven’t even been yet. But now I am here.

As we make our way on the Blue Ridge Parkway, I am looking forward to the ride, to the hikes and to learning.  Yes, even I, Digby Pancake want to learn.  We never stop learning, do we?  Every time I see a new pancake place, I learn that I am more hungry than I thought.

The persons told us that the Blue Ridge Parkway is America’s longest park and it runs for 469 miles through 29 Virginia and North Carolina counties, linking Shenandoah National Park to Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

It runs mostly along the spine of the Blue Ridge, a major mountain chain that is part of the Appalachian Mountains. Yeah, I didn’t remember all of that.  Girl Person copied and pasted it when I reminded her to do so. But I know it is more than just a road.

One of the things I like about traveling besides being with our persons is that in each place, we find out a little more about ourselves.

There are things we all know about ourselves.  We have each known ourselves for a real long time.  In fact, we are our own best friend.  Yet, sometimes, we can forget what we love.  We can try to be something we aren’t to make others happy.  And yet, our hearts never forget who we are inside.  I’m not just the persons’ dog, Digby. I was a puppy once. I came from somewhere.  I had a story.  I loved pancakes from day one.

We can forget our own story though because we are too busy trying to be what we think we are supposed to be and rushing thru life working and worrying.  But when you come to the mountains, there is no place for any of that.

And like me, when I put the nose to the ground and I can’t hear anyone or see anything else, the mountains bring you to reality.  Because reality isn’t work.  Reality isn’t our title.  Reality is each of our hearts and who we were from day one…from minute one.

A mountain can’t be anything but a mountain.  I can’t be anyone besides Digby.  And you can’t be anyone other than you.  Don’t try it.  And if you have to dig a little deeper or climb a little higher to remember who you are, travel with us on this Blue Ridge Parkway for the next few weeks.  See what you can remember.

If you had to frame a picture of yourself…today…how would it look?  Would it be a happy picture?  Would your picture be taken where your heart longs to be?  If not, it’s time to find out how you can get that feeling and frame that moment.  You deserve that.  And I deserve another pancake.  Or five.

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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