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Choose Our Adventure

This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle.  Today will not be my favorite day of the week.  Today I have to go to the Vet Person for a checkup, Girl Person tells me.  So I tell her that I  may or may not cooperate.  And since I am the Sheriff, well, I have the handcuffs.  And I am ready for arrests.  I am not understanding why any dog as handsome as I am has to go to a vet, unless it is for research on how a dog can be so handsome.  Is that what is happening?  Deputy Digby certainly did not leave a good impression from his visit.  And I am sure that their expectations of me are determined.  I will report later today on this on our Facebook page.

Our week has been a bit eventful so far.  You wouldn’t know it, but there has been a lot of talking in this Big Blue Treat Wagon about what our next steps are and where our next home will be…if any.  Sometimes we think that maybe we were just meant to roam around forever.

Roam if you want to
Roam around the world
Roam if you want to
Without wings, without wheels

Girl Person said that when she was little, she read a lot of books, and one of her favorite series was a book that let you choose your own adventures.  You would read a story and then decide what ending you wanted.  And we thought, hey.  That is a good idea.  Because we are as confused as when Deputy Digby can’t decide whether to roll in horse poop or eat it. And that my friends is confusion at its finest.

Take it hip to hip, rocket through the wilderness
Around the world the trip begins with a kiss

We think that we have made some decisions…but we would like your input first.  So today, we are going to ask for your opinion and give you some choices.  Will it be up to you to make our next plan of action?  Perhaps.  Are you ready?  Here are the choices with some facts rolled in.  As Sheriff, that is my duty to always give you the facts.  You must be informed to make a good decision.

  1.  Fact: We can’t find a home or building so far that we can afford in Sonoma County. We want to live within our means and not be overextended. We know that there are other wonderful areas in California.  But honestly. This is where we love.  Option:  Stay here in the RV until we find somewhere we can afford. But that may not happen.
  2.  Fact:  We really like Amelia Island, Florida.  It has the ocean and the sunshiney and family closer by. And it is cheaper than the California place.  Option: Go back to that Florida place (yes, that means another trek across the country) and try to find a home near Amelia Island or an old building, gas station or restaurant we can renovate.  Maybe even a build a tiny house? And park the RV where we can until we find a cheaper way to live, but on the ocean?
  3.  Fact:  We love Italy and France.  The persons really want to live there one day.  But can me and Digby get there ok?  Would it be too stressful of a trip for us or could we find a plane to get us there?  Option:  Either go to Florida for a bit and save some money to go later, or just go now.  That is scary for us all.  But aren’t the scariest things what pushes us and makes us greater in the end?
  4.  Fact:  We don’t know if we want the burden of a house payment.  We really like living this simple lifestyle.  Option:  Keep traveling. Are we meant to just travel where we want to for a bit and not worry about any of this for awhile?  Should we just keep traveling and stay in the Big Blue Treat Wagon RV?

So there.  That is the choices.  You get to play a part in choosing our next adventure.  You have stuck with us through this whole Adventure Of A Lifetime, “48 states, 48 rescues”.  And we are relying on you to help us with this next adventure.  Whatever we choose, we are going to do it in November.  Life is too short to keep waiting.  So ready?  Tell us your choice.  And we will be listening.

Roam if you want to
Roam around the world
Roam if you want to
Without anything but the love we feel

Now, I wish Girl Person would listen and not take me to the Vet Person today.

Fly the great big sky
See the great big sea
Kick through continents
Busting boundaries

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

Pain relief is possible the natural way!  Check out New Zealand’s Best For People and Pets! “Like” them on Facebook.  They support our mission and our page, and we thank them!

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