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Nugget. Not Nugent.

This is Sheriff Brickle.  When you are on the road all of the time like we are, you learn to adjust in many things.  You learn that when you like a place, you can’t stay forever.  You learn that when you don’t like a place, you can move on.  And you learn that persons and furkids you meet will just be in passing, most of the time.  Time is short with anyone we know.  And even shorter when that furkid is as short as a Nugget.  Which is how she got her name, I suppose.

They say great things come in small packages. And this was the case with Nugget.  I didn’t know her for very long.  In fact, I knew her for as short of a time as my corndog tail.

But I think that no matter how tall you are, you need someone short to remind you of that.  And the ones that are short need someone tall to remind them of that.  And all need to be reminded that there is a place for us all.  No matter what our size.  It’s how we use our abilities that matter. 

When we lack in one thing, for sure, someone else is better.  Deputy Digby is the best at eating pancakes.  I could take them or leave them.  So it takes me to remind him of this love.  I am the best at being a Sheriff.  No question there.  But if everyone was policing everyone else, what kind of chaos would be going on?  Surely, nothing would be in balance.  

Nugget’s persons told us that she was kind of timid around bigger dogs.  But since none of us know we are dogs most of the time, I did not think that this applied to me.  I also didn’t even understand her name at first…Nugent?  Was that her name?  That didn’t seem to make any sense.   

Did they say her name was Puppet?

Nope. That made no sense, because she moved her mouth.  A lot, actually.  So once I figured out her name was Nugget, that she was afraid of big dogs, and that she still liked me?  Well, I embraced it.  I stood even taller.  No, not because I was trying to make her feel shorter.  But because she made me feel taller.  And I realized she liked that.  She liked that she built me up.  She liked that our passing friendship wasn’t just a drop in the bucket.  Yes.  I knew bucket was not her name as well.

So everyday, while we were at camp together here in this Florida place, we made it a point to say hello, but I had no choice.  She had to get to me and the Deputy everytime she saw us, and she would knock down anything or everyone in her way.  A cup of coffee, a table, her persons.  I was that important.  The truth was, I would cry everytime I saw her across the way, and I wanted to let my guard down.  But I knew that she would be gone soon.  I knew that we would be gone soon.  And I knew that we may never meet again.  Was it worth it?

What I realized was that I was wasting my time.  Simply knowing something is going to end isn’t reason enough to not appreciate it when you have it.  You have the same amount of time in a day no matter how you look at it…up or down.  Yes, I had to look down at Nugget, but she made me look up.  

Many small people in small places can change the world.  If we all appreciated own strengths while recognizing others, how much better would our world be?  There is no right way to look.  Unless it’s up…and Nugget has that mastered.

As Nugget pulled away this morning, I was sad.  Yes, I was very sad.  But like everyone we meet on the road, we take a little bit of them with us.  Even when they are as small as a Nugget.  Perhaps we will meet again, Nugget.  Until then, here’s looking at you, kid.

Some things are put in our life for a short time.  Never. Ever. Take them for granted.  Never ever. Underestimate the size of their impact. And never underestimate the impact you can have on others too.

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

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