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Run Or Climb? That’s The Question.

This is Deputy Digby Pancake.  I’ve never been one to put forth more energy than absolutely necessary. The only energy I need comes from pancakes which gives me the energy to eat more pancakes.  It is quite a game plan, if I say so myself.  And I just said it.

So when we went sightseeing this weekend here in this Savannah, Georgia place, my energy level was running a little low.  But I was also excited to go somewhere, take a look at it and then go have breakfast.  Actually, I was just excited about the breakfast.  But when we pulled up to a pretty gate, I knew we were in for a nice hike.  The persons tell me that these remaining months of the year are for me.  They said they want to take me on some nice hikes and get me to cooler weather in the next few weeks.  So when I looked at the trees all lined up, just for me, I knew it was true.  This was worth spending a little energy on.

But as we toured this historical place, and as Girl Person was reading all of the signs, I started to think.  Really think.  History has a way of doing that to you.

There was so much energy I could put forth here, but I had to think. Did I want to run more here or did I want to climb more?  These trees were calling my name, but I had to figure out what they were saying. Girl Person looked at me when I thought that and she told me that I was really deep.  Deeper than even the roots of these trees. She said that persons wonder these same questions all of the time.  She said, in fact, that she had been feeling this way the past few weeks.  And she said it was exhausting.

I actually could tell that she had been exhausted, which has made Brickle exhausted and me exhausted and Boy Person exhausted and everyone exhausted.  She was pretty bummed out about leaving the Florida place again.  And she was feeling like maybe she didn’t really have anything in life figured out at all.  She said she didn’t want to stay still, yet she didn’t want to move.  Yeah, I know that feeling.  But she said that sometimes, she just felt like running.  Running away from it all.  Kinda like that little boy did in some famous movie that part of it was filmed around here in Savannah.

But as I looked up at the trees, and then I looked at the long drive full of trees, I knew the answer.  If we ran from all of our problems in life all of the time, would we really get anywhere?  We would be putting forth a lot of energy for nothing.  No, in my humble opinion which has the scent of pancake breath, I knew the answer.  If you can climb, that is going to be the better way.  You see, you are going to have to put forth more energy at first.  But once you get up there, you not only have a nice view, but you can see all of the things that are important and beautiful.

I think though that running is just something that most people choose to do.  They run from problem to problem or make problems along their path.  They go as fast as they can to get somewhere just to go somewhere else faster.  And enjoying the view is harder when you run.  If you have climbed up a tree, well, you are in a tree.  And there is not much else than to be there.  In a tree.  Once you are there.  Unless you invite someone up there with ya.  But if you are too busy running, you will never have anyone to ask up there.

I have always known that running is overrated, but now I am really starting to see just how much  Sure, it is good to have goals and to try and get there.  But trees remind us that just being…just looking…just watching sometimes is ok too.  Sometimes, staying still for some people is harder than anything in the world because it makes you think.  I sure know I hate thinking.  But thinking and looking and watching is an important way to find your way to to happiness.  That my fiends is the fastest way to get there.

I have heard that life is like a box of chocolates.  Now, you know that I can never have chocolates.  But give me a box of pancakes, and I will get your point.  Don’t run from all your problems or the people that were with you along your path.  Learn, listen and climb.  Keep climbing.  Always. Climb.

And when you find out why you are climbing, that will be the best feeling of all.  Many persons don’t know it till they get there. And that is what I made Girl Person realize.  You’re welcome.  Now.  Where is my box of pancakes?

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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This week’s episode is more than just talking about Iowa! Can you say covered bridges, Puppy Bowl and loose meat?  Don’t miss it!


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