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Have A Seat.

This is Deputy Digby Pancake, blogging today from this hot, Florida place. Oh, how we remember the heat. It is so hot that you could fry a pancake on your car. Not that we have ever done that. But we really, really should. Girl Person wouldn’t have to wash a frying pan or anything! And we don’t have time to wash our car anyway on this trip so all in all, it’s a good idea.

Ok. Have a seat right now, but not on my side of the couch. I mean, not anywhere on the couch, because the whole couch is mine actually. The floor is good. Sometimes, you have to hear news that you probably don’t want to hear. And although we try to remain positive and happy and adventurous, truth is, we are living life just like everyone else. We have our ups. Our downs. Our good times. Our bad times. Broken showers and leaky roofs and general pancake shortages. But, ever since we have wrote this dog blog starting in 2011, we have always been honest and open. It is what we do. So, please try not to worry as I tell you something. We don’t want you to worry, certainly not me, but we want you to be aware of what is going on. As our loyal fans, you deserve that.

I guess I might have ate too many pancakes, and the pancakes might have turned to lumps. That is what I imagine must have happened. The persons found some lumps on my neck and chest a couple of days ago. I had only one lump last year, but now have more all of a sudden. Don’t worry. I am not in pain. And they are not as big as pancakes, and actually, I seem to feel just fine. And I certainly haven’t lost my appetite. But you can’t ignore stuff. Like for example when you run out of maple syrup. You just have to go to the store. You just have to. So, tomorrow, Girl Person will be taking me to a vet person in this Florida place. Sheriff Brickle and I haven’t been apart for a second in the past eight months since we started this Adventure Of A Lifetime. And I am worried about that most of all. Who will be his backup when I am at the vet person’s office?

Girl Person and Boy Person seem to be nervous, but are trying not to let me know. They tell me that they will make the best decision for me, above everything else, even the rest of this trip. I am glad about that because I have a lot more pancakes to eat in the years to come, and most of all, I don’t want this to interfere.

As Girl Person has always said, tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us. That is why we tell you to make every day count, and today is no different. The Sheriff and I will be visiting our friends at our daycare place, Pawsome Adventures and enjoying the little bit of cooler air today! Tomorrow will be here soon enough. The vet person can wait. Because today is gonna be a good day. We hope you get out and enjoy yours too. And try not to worry, ok? We will keep you up to date every step of the way.

I usually only tell pancakes I love them, but know I love you too. And I love the day ahead of me. Let’s do this!

-Deputy Digby Pancake



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