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Where It All Ends I Can’t Fathom

This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle. Sometimes when you think that you will never see a place again, well, you end up seeing it again. Not once, not twice, but about four more times. Welcome back to Louisiana!

We are excited to be here, but yesterday, we had to bid adieu to that Texas place and the beach. Yes, adieu is a french word, I bark french, and well, we are in Louisiana, so if the collar fits, wear it. I will be speaking french for the rest of the week, y’all. Deputy Digby also will.  But you may not understand him with sticky, maple syrup breath.

Yesterday, as we were about the leave the beach, we took one last walk on the beach with Girl Person.

As a dreamer of dreams and a travelin’ man
I have chalked up many a mile
Read dozens of books about heroes and crooks
And I’ve learned much from both of their styles

Except for the bad storm one night, it had been a very relaxing time.

The persons even slowed down enough to enjoy their happy anniversary, and Boy Person made Girl Person a card. Girl Person liked it so much in fact that she cried, which I don’t understand why persons do that when they are happy. But whatever.

So as we were walking with Girl Person on the beach, she told us to find some good looking shells so that she could make a wind chime with them to remember our time there in Texas. And as we were looking for shells and peeing on them, she started to talk to us a lot, which is always a sign that she is thinking too much. She told us that she wondered what shells actually were.

Have you ever looked at something so many times that you take it for granted? I look at myself so much that there is no way I can take my handsome for granted. But for Girl Person, she told us that as much as she liked shells, she had never really thought about what they truly were, or how they grew, or came to be.  Girl Person was intent on not only finding out how they came to be, but telling us about them. And she promised us some treats if we listened. This was cutting into my mirror time.

She told us that shells actually were part of little creatures that lived in the water. She said that when they are born, they have a little shell which is the point you see on a shell, and as they grow, it grows. It is part of them. It is not only their home, but part of themselves.

I got to thinking about that in between my bites of treats. Shells. Shells are something that we had stepped on all weekend. But come to think of it, these shells had been a part of a little creature’s life. These shells had provided safety and shelter to them. And when they were no longer here, their shell, their home, had washed up on shore for others to enjoy. And how amazing was this? Almost as amazing as my profile, but not quite.

Have you taken some time today to notice the little things like the seashell?  How many more things do we miss when we rush through life? How many years have we loved something but never took the time to learn more about it?  I mean, I know you love me, but you could never learn all about me.  And we can never learn all there is about the seashell.  Some of us have harder shells than others, but if we let the miracles that life and its inhabitants have to offer into our hearts, and truly notice them, how much more will the things that make us sad go away? There won’t be any room.

As we reached this Louisiana place last night, it became a reality that our Big Blue Treat Wagon RV is not doing good again.  Seems like we have been in this thing so long that it has attached to us too like a seashell.  But, it was leaking and making noises and we don’t know how we even made it here.  It was almost too much for the persons to handle, but as they pulled themselves together, Girl Person reminded Boy Person of the seashells.  Pretty much because she kept repeating “seashells, seashells” over and over again out loud to keep from crying and focus.  Yes, she is cuckooville, but that is for another blog.  The persons remarked that the important things in life were like seashells.  Unimportant things like stuff breaking down are not important.  And that was good enough for last night so that we could look out at the Louisiana swamp that we had even taken for granted before.  We may have never had another chance to see this too, but here we were.  How could we let the day be ruined by things we could not control?

You see, something like a seashell can change your day.  What tomorrow brings, we don’t know.

So today, stop and notice and learn.  We don’t know if we will get that chance again.  Everything on our earth is a lesson to us if we see it.  Seeing it is the hard part, isn’t it?  Today may be the moment, the day that you will wish for one day.  An ordinary day.  Appreciate it too.

Where it all ends I can’t fathom, my friends
If I knew, I might toss out my anchor
So I’ll cruise along always searchin’ for songs
Not a lawyer, a thief or a banker

In all of our miles and adventures of this trip, the things we remember most are the things that were there all along…before this trip, before our travel.  It just took us a little while to see what was always there, like the seashell. Where this all will end, we can’t fathom.  And maybe we don’t want to.

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

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