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Homeward Bound

This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle. It has been said that home is where the heart is. I say home is where the peanut butter cookie is. And in my case…where the cookies are. I know proper grammar. Puleeze.

It is no secret, and it goes without saying, because we have said it a million times now.  We are looking for home.  Is it that Florida place? Will there be a home there?  Will this California place call us back yet again?  We still have hopes.  But, as you know, we trek ever forward to Florida.

And each town looks the same to me, the movies and the factories
And every stranger’s face I see reminds me that I long to be,
Homeward bound,
I wish I was,
Homeward bound

This is our path now, as we exhausted all possibilities in our heart’s place of California. For now, this is all we know to do.  Somehow, you have to keep moving forward to get anywhere.  For us, we are moving toward home.  Wherever that may be.

Homeward bound,
I wish I was,
Homeward bound

In order to get our minds and our hearts on this continuing journey of ours, we are preparing for our home.  We want it so bad we can taste it.  As much as Deputy Digby wants those scrambled eggs for breakfast.  And pancakes.  I threw you off there, didn’t I?

When your heart isn’t in something all the way, but you know that it is best for you, you kinda have to guide your heart along a little bit.  So as we have dreams of our home to be, we are getting our hearts into it.  We started out with our little sequoia tree this week.

We plan to plant it at our new house.  We are sowing those seeds, feeling the love.  So we planted it for now in a coffee pot that Girl Person found abandoned in a camp in Arizona this year.  She knew it would come in handy!  Or pawdy!  She let the raven we bought in Bodega Bay guard it for now.

She comes in at night, don’t worry.  It is our baby.  We named it Brigitte and I don’t know why at all.

As the persons were planting our baby tree, Girl Person remarked that she wished they had a bird feeder.  You see, the woodpecker from this week that got hurt here at camp and got better touched our hearts.

So whatever touches our hearts, well, we are bringing it home with us. No, not the bird, it deserves to fly! But as Boy Person went to go get some groceries, he found a bird feeder on the side of the road!  As good as new!  Coincidence?  I think not. So he brought it back to camp and he made a bird feeder and a water dish out of the coffee pot lid and voila’!  Something else to bring home with us!  Brigitte approved.

Isn’t this home place going to be great when we find it?

Homeward bound,
Home where my thought’s escaping,
Home where my music’s playing,
Home where my love lies waiting
Silently for me

We know that our perfect place is out there.  Now, all we need to do is focus.  Focus on finding it. Because now we have a tree to plant and birds to feed.  This is important on my agenda.  And Brigitte deserves that too.

So, as we make our way home, whoever that may be, our hearts will be in it.

And every stop is neatly planned for a poet and a one-man band.
Homeward bound,
I wish I was,
Homeward bound,
Home where my thought’s escaping,
Home where my music’s playing,
Home where my love lies waiting
Silently for me

It seems like we have made this trip before, and I guess we have.  It seems like we have been on an endless search to be happy and content for years.  But we are tired now. And it is time.  Let’s do this!  We need a place for all of this love to fit in, and a yard big enough for Brigitte Barkdot.  Yes, she has a last name.  And I heard she is going to get pretty large.  Time is of the essence here.  I don’t think she is going to last very long in this RV.  Let’s do this!

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

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