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Travelin’ Man. I Mean, Mouse.

This is Deputy Digby Pancake.  Well, it’s Friday.  And well.  We are in Provo, Utah.

We are making our way closer to some Idaho place with lots of potatoes.  But I have to wait until at least Monday before I get my hash browns.  Because we are stopping to rest.  We are stopping to regroup.  I ain’t in no hurry.  I can tell you that.

But we are also stopping to see if our hitch hiker, travelin’ man wants to get off at this stop. Travelin’ man.  I mean, mouse.

Apparently, we picked up this hitchhiker either in that Las Vegas, Nevada place or the National Park in Torrey, Utah.  And since we don’t know when he found his way in here, we don’t know what he has decided to make his all you can eat buffet.  And well, he better not mess with my pancakes.  I am serious about this.  Or my Utah scones that Girl Person made us.

Now.  What you do not know is that the persons left a little out of the mouse story the past week.  Because.  Well.  They have been pretty upset.  But since a few days have passed, and they have calmed down, they have allowed me to tell you about it.

As we were camping in the desert last week, Sheriff Brickle wanted to sit outside.  That is his favorite thing to do lately as he polices a new place every week.  Girl Person thought that he wanted a drink, so she brought him out a cup of water.  And as she walked away, she got distracted and starting washing dishes.  Boy Person was outside, and all of a sudden, Girl Person saw him running across the desert with the cup of water.  She came outside and there he was.  Trying to revive a mouse that had fallen into the cup of water. And drowned.  Girl Person started crying that she was a murderer.  And Boy Person tried to revive the mouse.  For an hour.  As you probably know by now, the mouse didn’t make it.  And as the persons felt sad, Boy Person said his only hope was that the mouse could help another animal live by being a meal.  A circle of life or something he said.

Now.  I want to know what the circle of life for a pancake is.  It seems to stop with me.  But for a mouse, it makes me pretty sad.  And when we found another mouse…under our house on the same day…we could only assume that they were missing each other.  And it is now our goal to find Mr. Mouse so that he can go to a new house, but he keeps stealing the peanut butter and getting out.  And you also guessed, Sheriff Brickle is not happy to be sharing his peanut butter.

A travelin’ man, I mean mouse, is in our house.  And we have to find him.  If he doesn’t like peanut butter, I know he won’t like pancakes.  Because I am not sharing.  So travelin’ man?  While we are parked here in Provo, Utah until Monday, it is time for you to pack it up.  And move on.  We regret what happened to your friend, but you now have a chance to start anew.  If you need help packing, just let me know.  After a year on the road, I am pretty good at it.  We don’t know when we are headed back to that Florida place, so don’t be trying to hitch a ride back there to go to Disney World. That mouse job is already taken. And if you like camping so much, why don’t you stay here…it’s a nice campground.  I promise.  You would be very happy here!


Now.  As you may remember, Girl Person was supposed to make a separate trip to another shelter in this Utah place called Best Friends.  Well, it is a 4 hour drive, and let me just tell you.  Girl Person is not feeling so well.  We had our rescue visit with Colorful Country Animal Welfare this week, so we are going to continue showing  you what they do on our Facebook page thru the weekend.  We feel that they need our help more than a larger shelter.  And that has been our goal on this whole trip…to show the smaller organizations across the country who contribute to the big picture.  And we thank them for that.

For once, the persons actually have started to know their limits.  Like when I need a nap, I know to take a nap.  Girl Person is on the verge of a breakdown because she is so very tired.  And Sheriff Brickle laid down the law.  He told her she could not leave us today to make that trip.  He told her that she and the mouse in our house were going to stay right here.  Or else.  And she actually listened, but she hopes the fans understand.  We promise to tell you in our article and video next Sunday on Utah how the small rescue we picked works with Best Friends to save lives.  And it will be great. She also hopes the fans understand we are sorry about the mouse in the desert.  But we will make sure his friend gets out safe.  We love you all and happy Friday.  It’s the weekend!  Monday, it is on to Idaho.  But for now, Utah, you have us…and a mouse.  Can you bring us some more peanut butter? We are kinda running low.

-Deputy Digby Pancake

Don’t forget! THIS SUNDAY ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE, catch our newest episode of Stop Hounding Me with Vegas German Shepherd Rescue from Las Vegas, Nevada!



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