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Just Being Us Is Enough.

This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle.  Here we are, nearing the end of almost two weeks in this Florida place.  In some ways, it feels like we never left at all.  In other ways, it seems like we have been gone forever.  But our friends certainly didn’t act like they forgot us, although I was a little nervous about that.  I guess what Girl Person says is true.  When you have a true friend, time can pass…even years, and it feels like no time has passed at all. Makes me all mushy inside like a gooey peanut butter cookie.  We all need friends.  Even me.

When Girl Person told us that we were going to be headed to dog daycare yesterday, we were super excited.  Our doggy friends there don’t know that we have traveled to 34 states in the past eight months.  They don’t know that we have visited 34 animal rescues, went to Mount Rushmore, or toured Rock City.  All they know is us.  And just being us is enough.

Being able to be yourself to a true friend is a rare treasure.  Kinda like when Digby finds horse poop buried when we think there is none.  A true friend doesn’t care about what you have, what you don’t have, what you could have or even what they have.  Because true friends only want to be with each other, supporting each other.  And when just being yourself is enough, isn’t that MORE than enough?

It has been nice to travel and to see the country like we have.  We certainly don’t take a day for granted.  But.  When it gets right down to it, the most important job that Digby and I have is to be happy.  To make our persons happy.  And everything else is secondary.  Yes, we are having a great time, but being able to let loose and have fun with our old friends this week has been something we will never forget.  It is recharging our batteries to finish the 14 states we have left on this Adventure Of A Lifetime.  But for another week, instead of being 2 Traveling Dogs, being us is enough.  And we thank you fans for letting us have this break.  We love you all.

Oh, and you may be wondering.  Yes, today is Deputy Digby Pancake’s vet person visit.  We are all very, very nervous.  We promise to let you know later what is going on.  Thank you everyone for your kind words.  I will not arrest you today. That will be tomorrow, and you know why.  Just because I am on vacation doesn’t mean I am on vacation from arresting.  You knew that.  Puleeze.

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

For the best dog daycare in Florida, be sure and check out Pawsome Adventures in Lutz, Florida.  Pawsome Adventures is 2 Traveling Dogs approved! Read our full review here. 


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