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Another Drive Today


This is Deputy Digby Pancake.  So today, we are on our way again in the Big Blue Treat Wagon.  We are still in South Carolina until Monday, but we have to go to another campground because this one was all booked up.  But that’s ok, because we get to see another area!  As long as this RV thing starts.  I tell you what. When we are about to drive this thing, it gets smaller.  The rooms come in at us and Sheriff Brickle has a heart attack every time. Girl Person says it’s called slide outs. So why come in? We already are cramped in her with lack of room for all my pancakes!

We still have to ride with Girl Person in the car and Boy Person will be ahead of us.  We have about a 2 hour drive to Edisto State Park. And Friday, we get to visit another rescue!  So this should be fun, fun!  I do have one thing to say.  So many fans have been as sweet as maple syrup, concerned for us because our RV is giving us problems and because Girl Person has to drive the car separate for now. Please don’t worry.  These are only minor issues that we will get worked out.  Remember, we have only been doing this a week.  And things will straighten out.  As Deputy, I promise you that. And guess what?  As long as we are together, and have each other, everything is aok.  We have had some friends with family members pass away lately, and we are sad for them, but know that those are real problems.  Our problems are nothing compared to something like that!! So we can deal with the ticks and bugs and raccoons and it will be ok.  But if you are still feeling bad for us, mail me a pancake. Wait a minute.  We can’t get mail.

-Deputy Digby Pancake


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