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For Today, Remember The Alamo

This is Deputy Digby Pancake.  Sometimes, you don’t have to visit somewhere to know that it has something to teach you. You feel it. You hear it. You run from it. Kinda like I did last night when I heard gunshots coming from The Alamo.  I was so besides myself that I think I forgot my own name.  But not that I like pancakes.

As you know, our Jeep is broke down and the Big Blue Treat Wagon RV is on its last leg. Which I have peed on. So it was kind of disappointing to us that we couldn’t visit The Alamo because Boy Person had to figure out how we were going to get to Galveston and Girl Person had 12 loads of laundry.  Actually, it wasn’t disappointing to me.  Only the persons.  Me and Sheriff Brickle had our own agenda.

But after I enjoyed dinner last night, I heard them.  The gunshots.  And I ran from it. The gunshots coming from The Alamo. And Girl Person barely got me inside before I pulled out of my harness.  It was her own battle of sorts.

Now, I had never heard of The Alamo before, but I hear that people in Texas are quite fond of it.  And although as a dog, I don’t understand things like battles or countries for that matter, the persons tried to explain a little bit of what happened there.  I was only half listening, you see.  I was worried about how we are getting groceries without a car.  But.  Back to The Alamo.

Again, I tried to listen to this, but my stomach was growling from lack of pancakes. And also, I was still thinking of how we were going to get groceries.  But, as a dog, I learned a bit, even though I didn’t actually go there.  The first thing I thought was that it was sad to me that so many people got hurt and died.  I never like to hear about that.  I would rather be at IHop. And when I do hear about that, I eat more pancakes. But I can’t get to an IHop right now from lack of a vehicle. But again. Back to The Alamo. What else did I learn? Well, it seems to me that persons fail sometimes to realize a couple of important things, that to me…a dog…is pretty apparent.  Sometimes, I wonder if people that fight against each other understand that they think they are as right as the ones they are fighting against.  And also.  I don’t understand about countries, or states for that matter.  When I look at a map, which the persons are always looking at on our trip, I see lines for states. But who drew those lines? People.  A few days ago, we were right on the line of Mexico, and the grass on that side of the fence looked the same as our side, even though there was a line on a map.

What The Alamo and Texas has taught us this week is that first of all, it can get pretty cold.  Second of all, your cars will all break down.  And lastly, as big as Texas is, the world is much bigger.  We all may love where we live, and where we hang our hats.  But we have to know that others love where they hang their hats just as much.

Texas is a beautiful place.  We all know that.  We love the sky, the wide, open spaces.  And for a place as big as Texas to remind us that we are only a small part of this world seems ironic.  But Texas?  You have touched our hearts.

So as we move on today, or at least try with our car and our house on wheels, we thank The Alamo.  For today, I will remember The Alamo.  I will try and forget the gunshots though.  Not digging that.

Will you join us as we head to Galveston today?  Oh, we haven’t seen water in such a long time.  This is going to be pawsome.  And maybe, just maybe, Boy Person will figure out how he can fix our car to get pancakes.  I mean, groceries.

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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