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The Bear Necessities And Turkeys

This is Deputy Digby Pancake. And some may call me a foxhound. Some may call me a turkey hound. At least I do. We have turkeys camping with us, and they area bit, well, infuriating! They gobble, gobble all morning, interrupting Brickle’s beauty sleep which interrupts the rest of eveyrone’s day. They parade around, and the boy turkey acts like he is more beautiful than Brickle, which irritates him even more. I am bound and determined to give these turkeys a piece of my mind. But as usual, Girl Person won’t let me talk to the turkeys. She says the only turkey we can talk to around here is Boy Person. Bahaha! I didn’t say it. She did.

With all of the turkeys around here, you would think that they owned the place. But Girl Person says that noise we heard in the woods last night very well could have been a bear. A bear! You heard me folks. We not only have turkeys to deal with during the day, but bears to be afraid of at night, which is interrupting Brickle’s beauty sleep then too. He says all sleep is for beauty, because he even has to work while he is sleeping.

Lately, every morning that we wake up, we have to stop and think for a minute. Where in the world are we?

Wherever I wander, wherever I roam
I couldn’t be fonder of my big home
The bees are buzzin’ in the trees
To make some honey just for me

When you wake up every day not knowing where in the world you may be, you ask yourself. Self? How much do we really need in life to get by? What are the necessities? We certainly don’t have much to our names right now. And it is easy to feel down about it. Why? Everyone is always about being “extra”. But what can the turkeys teach us and what can the bears teach us? That you really don’t need much in life to get by to be truly happy.

Looking for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
That’s why a bear can rest at ease
With just the bare necessities of life

Why persons try to get more and more stuff to be happy, I will never understand.

If you had to carry around all of your stuff that you thought was so important today, how would you feel at the end of the day? Wouldn’t it have been easier to be free, to be able to concentrate on the good things around you, even like the turkeys walking around just looking for food? Would you have noticed them if you had been carrying around your big television or your fancy jewelry?

Sure, we all need stuff in life to get by, but if there is one thing that this never ending Adventure Of A Lifetime has taught us, is that life is made up of a few kinds of people. People that want more stuff and work their hardest to get it. People that don’t want any stuff at all and prefer to enjoy life at it most simple forms. And those that think they want a bunch of stuff at the beginning, realize it didn’t make them happy, and get rid of all the stuff.

For us, it isn’t that we are looking for the perfect house, or the biggest house. We are looking for the simplest house, one that will allow us to concentrate on animal rescue, enjoying life and each other, and getting rid of some of our worries. So if you are on that path with us, you will understand that the simplest house hasn’t been the easiest to find, which is ironic. But seeing the bears and the turkeys reminded us that it can be done. We would never have met them if not for this trip. Sounds simple, but true.  We have a feeling that they are going to be talking to us a lot this weekend. Nature always has the answers.

Wherever I wander, whenever I roam
I couldn’t be fonder of my big home
The bees are buzzin’ in the trees
To make some honey just for me
When you look under the rocks and plants
And take glance at the fancy ants
And maybe try a few, haha, try one

This weekend, we have to rest because the persons are feeling a bit wore out from all of our driving this week. They said before we hit the road on Sunday again, we are going to kick back, eat good food, sleep good sleep and they will drink good wine. So keep following our Facebook page this weekend to see what we are up to in Arroyo Grande, California!

And if you are looking for a way to find what necessities you truly need, you are already on the right path.  We are right along with you.

The bare necessities of life
They’ll come to you
They have come to you

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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