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My Sister City. Pancake City.

This is Deputy Digby Pancake. Well, here we are in this Indiana place. It’s been raining. It’s been cold. But it has still been awesome! So many nice people, nice scenery and Girl Person says it’s the first time in a long time that she has heard someone say “y’all”. And it sounded real good. Real good.

Yesterday, we decided to sight see a little bit. I call it sight pee. Because any new place is a great place to me and a great place to pee. We walked down some streets in somewhere called Newburgh, Indiana.

When we sight pee, often, the persons stop to read a lot of signs. They like to learn. I like to pee and I do so accordingly on most of the signs. We learned that this city called Newburgh has a sister city in somewhere called Newburgh, England. Sister city? What in the world is that? Seems as though we learned that many places in the United States have them. This is what I read, “Twin towns or sister cities are a form of legal or social agreement between towns, cities, counties, oblasts, prefectures, provinces, regions, states, and even countries in geographically and politically distinct areas to promote cultural and commercial ties.The modern concept of town twinning, conceived after the Second World War in 1947,was intended to foster friendship and understanding between different cultures and between former foes as an act of peace and reconciliation, and to encourage trade and tourism.”

Now, you know dern well I didn’t read that. But Girl Person typed it. Truth is, I only thought of one thing. If this Newburgh, Indiana place can have a “sister city”, I can too. And so, you know what, Indiana? I am hereby declaring that you make a city here called Pancake City. That is MY sister city. And it is going to be awesome!

First of all, I am going to have a big statue of me peeing on a sign that explains Pancake City. The sign will be in the shape of a pancake, but not an actual pancake because that would be not nice. All pancakes should be eaten. No waste in Pancake City. Also, every restaurant will serve pancakes. Every store will sell pancakes or pictures of pancakes or stuffed animal pancakes or rescued pancakes. Yes, there would be a pancake rescue here. Because not everyone knows how awesome they are and I have to make sure if anyone goes to throw away pancakes that they come here.

Every year, I will make a speech at Pancake City telling how we came here to Indiana and that there was no Pancake City and I made it and tell everyone that they are welcome for being so innovative and caring for pancakes. Everyone will have plates of pancakes that they share with everyone else and I will have plenty of signs to pee on for the dogs. And then we will all tell stories of all the pancakes in our lives and laugh and laugh with maple syrup breath.

What would YOUR sister city be? Sheriff Brickle most likely would have a Peanut Butter Cookie City, but more than most likely a Peanut Butter Cookie Police Station City. I am going to leave it up to him to propose this city. I am going to have enough paperwork to do on this before we leave Indiana on Monday.

What would YOUR sister city be? I would like to hear it. But I would also like to know…will you be booking a trip to my sister city? Pancake City? I charge in pancakes.

Have a great weekend everyone! We can’t wait to show you more of Indiana! We are looking forward to the rest of our time here.

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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