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See Ya Later, Delaware!


This is Deputy Digby Pancake.  It was a fun time Delaware…but alas, it is time to move on.  Next stop? Sussex, New Jersey.  And we have a bit of a drive today.

We had a good time here.  Well, mostly.  We are waiting till tomorrow to fill you in on a few things, and will be doing a blog about it.  But for now, let’s just say that when you have police come to your door late at night, it can never be a good thing.  Anyway.  Like how I am stringing you along?  I am good at that. I am also good at flirting and being cute.  Two of the most important things in life I must say, besides pancakes.

So today, we are headed for New Jersey.  Since we are going to be so close to New York City, you know, Manhattan…do you think we should make a stop there to see the Big Apple? Do you think they have apple pancakes? Let us know what you think. When we are in New York later in the trip, we won’t be too close to the city, so we thought it would fit with our schedule to go now.  What do you think?? 2 Traveling Dogs in New York City? Hmmmm.  Think of how many people Sheriff Brickle could arrest!

So, this afternoon, we will be on the road.  Delaware? It’s been fun, real fun, most of the time.

Have a great day everyone!  Here we go! Again!

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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