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A Full Day Ahead!


This is Deputy Digby Pancake.  How was your week?  I don’t even know what state I am in lately. Always a state of being hungry and needing pancakes and a nap. But I mean what STATE I am in.  Girl Person says that we are in this North Carolina place until Monday.  And today, we have a full day planned!

First of all, we are going to sleep a little because we had a long day yesterday.  Boy Person had to hook up the car to the Big Blue Treat Wagon and let’s say that a two hour job turn into 10.  Does anything ever go smooth? Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle says chunky is much better for peanut butter sake, but for life sake, I say smooth.

Then, we are headed to a shelter today. This will be the third shelter of our Adventure Of A Lifetime.  It is called the Outer Banks SPCA.  They serve the Outer Banks region of North Carolina.  It will be our goal today to give them some tips on how to use Social Media to network animals and they will give us an inside look into how their shelter works.  It takes everyone working together to make a difference. And we ready to learn what they do.

After that, we will be meeting our fans at the Cape Hattaras National Seashore.  If you can come, we will be there from 4-5 p.m. to say hello and if you want to take a picture with Brickle and Digby, come on by!  We will be meeting at the Bodie Lighthouse.  We hope you can make it.

So as you can see, I am definitely going to be earning my pancakes today.  A lot of them.  We want to thank all of our fans for their suggestions and tips for our trip. I know many of you are disappointed we can’t come to all of the areas you live in and that we only have one meet-up planned per state.  But we also hope you understand we are just one small family and we can only fill our days so full.  As our trip progresses, let’s see if we can increase our visits with you.  We will try our best.  We love you all, please never doubt that.  Also don’t doubt the need for pancakes.

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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