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I Won’t Back Down. Well…Maybe From BigFoot.

This is Deputy Digby Pancake.  Some things are scarier than fiction.  And some things you don’t know if they are fiction…or some things you wish were fiction.  Some things make no sense like the above sentences.

As we were walking through the forest today ,Girl Person started showing us some really big trees called Redwoods here in this Oregon place.  The forest was quiet, and all we could hear were the sounds of the trees swaying and the creek running.  And I remembered something all of a sudden.  The persons had been talking a lot about someone called Bigfoot.

I remembered how it is rumored he lives in the forest and how big he is, and how scary he is.

I thought that Bigfoot would live in a place like this.  And as Girl Person tried to get us to walk inside one of those trees, it occurred to me I needed to get the heck outta there.

But as scary as Bigfoot may seem, who we met later that night was scarier than sasquatch could be…

Camping is a strange, strange thing.  You park your house next to strangers real close, try to pretend like they are not there, and you try to enjoy nature while chanting “serenity now, serenity now.” Or maybe that is just us.  We have been saying that a lot lately.

And when you are on the road for a really long time like us, you see the good in persons, the bad in persons, and the really bad in persons.  It would seem to me that if you are trying to enjoy nature that you would be a little bit more laid back, a little bit more happy.  But it also seems to me that the for some persons, they don’t want to be happy.  And that is sad.

For dogs, we are pretty basic.  Love, food, walks, and pancakes in my case makes life good.  But I also like to do dog things like protect my space and bark, and some persons don’t understand that.  They expect dogs to be persons, and that is just not happening.  My name is Deputy Digby for a reason.  I am not backing down from that.

As I was being a dog at camp yesterday, a very good Deputy Digby dog, a mean camper person walked by our fence too close for our liking.  So, we did what we had done the last four times he had decided to walk so close.  We barked.  And we barked loud.  And he decided that he was going to do some barking of his own at Girl Person, screaming at her about our barking.  Girl Person, tired from our #47 rescue visit decided she was too tired to bark back and let him keep barking till he walked away.

A year ago, Girl Person says that she would have cried.  But that was before this trip, our journey thru 47 states so far and 47 rescues.  You can’t fix the world.  You can’t take away the bad persons.  But what you can do is try and scare them with a Big Foot costume instead. But we didn’t turn around cause we ran out of fabric for the back.

So as the mean camper person walked around the camp with his meanness, Boy Person put on the Big Foot costume he had made for filming Stop Hounding Me with South Coast Humane Society.

And as the mean camper person walked by, we continued to bark, but Big Foot had our back.  And Big Foot doesn’t back down either.  Was the mean camper person scared?  He was scared we were crazy.  And he would be right.

Don’t miss our #47 rescue article and video coming on Sunday, August 13th with South Coast Humane Society in Brookings, Oregon!

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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