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New Jersey? You Are NOT Arrested.


This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle.  Today, we are leaving the garden state of New Jersey. And we are going to miss it.  We are going to miss it a lot.

Many times in life, the most unexpected surprises are those that make the most memories.  New Jersey was a great surprise on our Adventure Of A Lifetime.  And we will never forget it.

It is no secret that our trip had a rocky start and that we are still getting used to life on the road.  Girl Person and Boy Person had been to New Jersey in the past, but had only been in the city.  Who knew that New Jersey had so much to offer?  Even the campground that we stayed at, Pleasant Acres Campground gave us so much contentment and relation.  From the animals we were able to visit everyday to the many hiking trails in the area, the lake and the creek, this was everything we needed and more.  Be sure to look for our BarkPost New Jersey recap next week for more.  I can’t write all day and don’t ask me to or I will arrest you.  Thank you to our fans who came out to hike with us on Saturday.  We love you and you are not arrested either.

I have to back track here now and do not question my methods as Sheriff.  I am all over the map, literally.  But go with it.

On Friday, we visited New York City because we were so close.  Our pals at BarkBox wanted us to film with them in Central Park to talk about our trip and our treats that just came out this month in their camping box.  So yeah, we happily went.  If you missed the livestream, catch it here.  And yes, you can order our new AMAZING 2 Traveling Dogs treats here!  


But anyway, the persons were running late as usual and running low on gas for the Jeep.  As you know, Girl Person was already nervous about going in the city, and the persons thought that after we left Central Park we could get gas.  Little did we know that most of the gas stations, without checking with me, had moved out of the city.  No.  Gas.  Anywhere.  Close.  So, the persons tried not to panic and headed over the BarkBox offices on Canal Street.  Well, Digby and I had done ok holding our composure in the park, but not here.  No way.  No how.  To make a long story short like my corn dog tail, we don’t do well with honking horns.  Big trucks.  People screaming at us.  People running out of elevators because we got in.  And elevators in general.  No, No, No.  Arrested.  Arrested.  Arrested.  So after we were done at their office, Boy Person thought it would be the right thing to do to try and drive to get gas and if he ran out, he would be the one stuck, not us.  Which left us to wait at BarkBox.  And wait.  And wait.  Because you see, to go two miles in NYC that day took 2 hours.


Well, by this time, I was done.  Done with the heat.  The noises.  The meetings.  The people.  The dogs.  So I growled.  And growled at everyone.  Girl Person was embarrassed, I mean I could not help it.  So she called Boy Person who yes, he had made it to the gas station two hours away! But he wasn’t making it back anytime soon.  He suggested that Girl Person walk us down Canal Street and Broadway for a mile.  Big.  Mistake.

Talk about craziness.  I don’t run from danger.  I run to it.  Which means I was trying to arrest traffic and everyone trying to run from us.  Digby peed on someone’s leg on a corner, ate something indescribable off the road, and Girl Person had a meltdown.  She called Boy Person and said this was one of the worst 20 minutes of her life and she was stopping and getting in a corner no matter how long it took him to reach us.  Right then, we saw the most awesome sight, the Jeep!  For us!  We ran to it, stopped traffic and NYC?  YOU.  ARE.  ARRESTED!!!!

2 Traveling Dogs in NYC didn’t go over so well.  Give us the country any day.  Girl Person says she is going to leave the city to girls trips and vacations. But that we never have to go again.  Fine by me.  So New Jersey?  I don’t want to take away your limelight.  You were a wonderful host, and we love you.  We cannot wait to come back one day.  And we are good and rested for our trip to Connecticut today which let me tell you.  I cannot remember how to spell.  I already want to arrest it, but I am going to wait.

Have a great day everyone! Look for our Facebook page for updates on the road today!

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

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