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What Is That?!


This is Deputy Digby Pancake. What is that? What do I hear? What is in the bushes? I don’t know, I don’t know. But it is nothing like I have ever heard before. And I am a bit nervous.

Seems as though Sheriff Brickle and I are having a hard time getting used to all these new neck of the woods. In that Florida place, we knew every critter out there. How to chase it, how to scare it. Now we still want to chase whatever is out there, But we are scared of it too.

So the other night, we were walking. We heard something in the bushes. And we wanted it real bad. Real bad. We almost yanked Girl Person to the ground with her poison ivy arm. She wasn’t too happy about it. As soon as we thought we lost it, we started walking again, but then a tree branch fell and scared us to death. Girl Person started laughing and then growled like a bear. Yes, I am serious she did that. We almost jumped a foot, well, we did jump a foot. And that’s when Girl Person busted out laughing at us. She said that we deserved it for almost making her fall and get more poison ivy and more ticks in her pants. Well, maybe. But seriously y’all. The south is kinda scaring me. What is that?

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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