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It’s A Wild World

This is Deputy Digby Pancake. I seem to be pretty popular around here lately. When I say “around here”, I mean the Big Blue Treat Wagon RV. Actually, the RV is running pretty low on treats since we are on state #48. All of those boxes full of treats and presents for the rescues we visited is about gone. Can you believe it? We only have one more rescue visit to go in California, and as this trip is coming to a close, we have learned so much.  Did you catch our Oregon rescue video yesterday?  That was #47…only one more to go.

I am pretty popular “around here”, because this past weekend at camp, the persons were kind of sad. And whenever anyone is sad “around here”, I am the go to machine for hugs and kisses and Digby love as Girl Person says. They needed my love.

Oh baby baby it’s a wild world
It’s hard to get by just upon a smile

And I was ok with that, although I didn’t really understand why. Everything seemed good to me. I mean at camp, the smell of breakfast at all hours and campfires is good. But I suppose I don’t really see or understand as much as the persons do what is behind that campfire. The persons say it’s a wild world out there.


It might come as a surprise to you that not every day on the road is filled with everything good.

You know I’ve seen a lot of what the world can do
And it’s breaking my heart in two

As we arrived at this campground, which is the only one we could find, we knew it wasn’t fancy. Electricity is overrated sometimes, and we wished we would have stayed in a dirty river or something. It would have been better than this.

We thought we could make it through as usual. I don’t even need much. Give me my bed, a stack of pancakes, a nice dinner, presents, frozen yogurt snacks and more treats and that is good. But I guess the persons like showers without dirty drain water and scorpions trying to bite their feet. I guess the persons like for volleyballs and baseballs not to hit our RV and car every ten minutes. I guess the persons don’t like to pay $8 to swim in a dirty pool. I also guess the persons don’t mind a bonfire two feet away from our RV about ready to put an end to this trip any minute. I guess I know why my Digby love has been needed so much “around here”.

But if you want to leave take good care
Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there
But just remember there’s a lot of bad and beware

But all of this, the persons said, could have been laughed away if not for the other things going on here around them. And many persons, who are busy with their lives in this country and elsewhere don’t see it either. For us, this was yet another eye opening experience on this trip. People living full time in tents. People with no homes who have little persons and furkids with them who live their day outside, or moving from place to place. Yes, persons. With no home, not even a Big Blue Treat Wagon RV.It has been easy for us lately to feel sorry for ourselves, not knowing what is after this trip and feeling overwhelmed.  But we know our lives are pretty good.

The persons realized that our problems were small in comparison to such a big problem of homelessness in our world, not just for animals, but people too.  And it simply makes us sad to see this.

Now that I’ve lost everything to you
You say you want to start something new
And it’s breaking my heart you’re leaving
Baby, I’m grieving

But it also makes us appreciate what we do have.  Our house may be on wheels right now.  But we have a house, and we have each other.  And that’s ok by us.

It is easy not to watch the news or listen when we hear of problems in our world.  In fact, we don’t even have one of those TV things. But when you see something like this right in front of your eyes, you can’t look away.  So we are going to find out today if we can help.  We can’t give one of these families a house…but can we give their dog food, or get them a bigger tent?  This is wild world we live in, and it is not getting better on it’s own.  But what can you do today, in your busy day to be nice, to make someone else’s day a little easier, a little happier?  Can you give out some Digby love?

-Deputy Digby Pancake

In a perfect world, we could take our pets with us everywhere! But, shocking as it is, there are still places that don’t allow our furkids.

Leaving them at home when there is a chance that the air conditioning could malfunction makes us worry. Some may think that it is safer to take them along in the car, but then our furkids are put in another unsafe situation with possible escalating temperatures in a short amount of time. Although well intentioned, this is just not safe! Wouldn’t they be more comfy at home taking a nap while we shop or go to the doctor? So what can we do for peace of mind when we have to run errands and do responsible person things? How can we be sure that our furkids are chilling at home in comfortable temperatures?

We would like to tell you about Pup Alert and the awesome people behind this new product! We are behind their mission and goal to keep furkids safe when you have to be away from home. Their crowdfunding will start this month and we want to make sure we give them our full support, because not only will this no doubt save many lives, they will be giving us pet parents peace of mind too.

Pup Alert is a unique mobile smart temperature monitor which sends pet guardians notifications when the temperatures surrounding their pup increase or decrease to potentially dangerous levels.  By using your smartphone and the unique thermometer,  Pup Alert’s technology measures the ambient temperature surrounding your dog.  The device then sends you notifications alerting you when the temperatures in your dog’s environment are increasing or decreasing to potentially dangerous levels.  This gives you peace of mind that they’re being monitored even if you’re not around. As Pup Alert’s website says, “From the families that occasionally bring their pups with them to the grocery store to the people who chase the highest peaks, to the couples who thrive on the open road; Pup Alert will allow you more opportunities to safely adventure with your best friend.”

Pet parents have one common goal…to be with their furkids for as long as possible. Every day counts, and every minute counts. If you think that this product is as pawsome as we do, sign up to be notified for exciting news, developments and a launch date!

Although we received compensation for this post, all opinions expressed are our own.



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