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Where Is That?

This is Deputy Digby Pancake. Yep. We are in that Florida place for sure. Now, you know I am not one to complain unless it is for the lack of pancakes. But when we asked for sunshiney we didn’t ask to get a sunburn in December. I will tell you that. When the temperature says “hot enough to fry pancakes on a Big Blue Treat Wagon”, you know it’s hot.

Now, I am sure many of you have wondered. Did we remember our old home? The orange grove? Did we remember our old hangouts like the dog park when we passed them on our way in?  Did we remember the street we lived on?  Did we remember our family and friends? We sure did.  We sure did.  If you remember from last week, I have DPS, not GPS and I will always know the way to a stack of pancakes or home.  But home…where is that? Where do Sheriff Brickle and I think is home?

Is home a house?  Is home a town, or a city or a state like that Florida place?  These are thoughts the persons seem to be pondering a lot lately.  Sheriff Brickle and I have moved around a lot with the persons. We have moved from the Florida place to the California place and then back again a year later.  Then, when we sold our home, we moved to our Country Cousin Person’s home on the water.  Then on to this Adventure Of A Lifetime on May 2nd.

Sometimes, the persons feel bad because they are thinking that we want to be somewhere in particular.  Like live at an all you can eat pancake buffet or a peanut butter cookie factory with lots of mirrors for the Sheriff.  But where do we really want to be? Where is that?

For a dog, home is wherever our person is.  Now, we may like one area our person is in better than another.  But if we really had the choice, we would want to be happy with our persons happy, wherever that is.  Whether that be the Florida place.  Or the California place.  Maybe a wine place?  That would be Girl Person’s choice.  But what I want the persons to know is stop feeling guilty. Stop worrying about things that we may miss at our big house, or the trailer on the ocean, because once we are done with this trip, you will worry about what we are missing in the Big Blue Treat Wagon.  Life is a bunch of questions like how much syrup and or butter to put on your pancakes.  But the only question to us is where are you going to be today persons?  Where is that? Because that is where we want to be.

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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