When Your Ears Perk Up

This is Peanut Butter Brickle. There are many words that I know.  This is obvious, because I have been writing this dog blog for ten years.  But certain words can certainly make my ears perk up.  And when my ears perk up, that means I am interested.  And if I show interest,  that’s a special moment.  For you.

Yesterday, we took a day trip to Helen, Georgia.

We have been there a few times and we really like it.  It has lots of cute little buildings and it makes you feel like you are in a different country for a little while.

It’s fun to pretend sometimes! Actually, pretending is one of my favorite parts about life.

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You see, I have been kind of worried lately.  I have been worried about my brother, I have been worried about getting back on the road Monday.  I do worry a lot.  If I didn’t worry, I would worry about not worrying.

So being in a different place yesterday like Helen, Georgia helped me to relax.  It helped to perk me up.

When you use your imagination, it helps you to realize that you are more than your worries and that you are more than your problems.

Imagining and pretending is fun to do, because by doing this, you can see your possibilities.  And if your pretending is better than your real life, that is ok.  But can you make what you are imagining to happen? Do you trust yourself enough to be all that you can be?

We have been looking for a place to call home for some of the year.  We have been looking for a long time. And we haven’t seemed to find a place that makes our ears perk up yet.

So what do we do? Do we settle and make whatever work? Or can we imagine what we truly want and pretend to be there.  Can we put ourselves there?


We all have real life decisions to make each day. Some are harder than others.  But value yourself enough to step away now and then.

Be a kid…or a puppy again.

Imagine all the wonderful things you want to.

And make it happen.

-Peanut Butter Brickle

Don’t miss our special edition sticker this month! We will be releasing every state, so be sure and collect all 50!

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