The Honeymoon Cabin

This is Digby Pancake. How does the view look from where you sit?

This last week, we had the privilege of going to Waverly, Tennessee and helping with flood recovery efforts.

Brickle and I didn’t go with the persons. Instead, we stayed at the Honeymoon Cabin that we rented. And let me tell you. It was relaxing and beautiful, and we felt so comfortable.

And the views from our Honeymoon Cabin? Just right.

But we knew that the view from beyond our Honeymoon Cabin was not so perfect, just a short distance away. Ones needed help and encouragement.

Many lost their lives.

So how could we be on the front porch of the Honeymoon Cabin and others were working hard in the sun and trying to rebuild their lives? I wondered if like so many other things in our life, we leave our concerns on the front porch.

We pretend everything is good, and maybe it is in our corner of the world.

Everyone should be happy. I want you to be too.

But I also want us to realize that by ignoring problems, and only looking at the views from our front porch, well, it doesn’t make those problems go away.

We must take care of our families and ourselves. But leave a little energy for someone else who may need help. Whether that is an encouraging word. A ride to the grocery store.

Or a whole day of your time to help during a disaster like this one.

We may not want to recognize how much we can make a difference, because it gives us a responsibility to do so. It’s hard to help sometimes. I know that.

It’s hard not to just be comfortable all the time on our front porch.

But when we make the effort to go to someone else’s front porch, we will see things from their view. And I guarantee when you get back to yours, it will sure look better than you remembered.

Digby Pancake

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