Do You Believe In Magic?

This is Peanut Butter Brickle. It’s been a rough few days.

Girl Person wasn’t feeling good, which meant I had to take away her not feeling good. And by the end of the week, no one was feeling good.

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So when we got up Monday morning and it was dark and cloudy and cold, I was worried. Worried that no one would be feeling better anytime soon. Worried that another day would go by with sad faces. And even Digby was feeling it.

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So Girl Person said enough was enough. We were gonna bundle up and go out into the cold world. We needed a new place. A new trail. New magic.

We needed to get moving. And so we did. We even drove to that Tennessee place.


When we got there, it looked strange. There were only a couple parking spots. And it looked a little out of our comfort zone.

It was worrying Girl Person a little. But as soon as we started walking, we knew it was the right decision. The trail was nice. Digby was happy. I was happy. We were all happy.

Pretty soon, we rounded a corner and it was like…magic.

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The skies seemed to open up. Even though it was still still dark and cold, our hearts felt alive.

Our spirits decided to come awake. And the waterfalls all around us and the mountains said welcome.

The depths of despair we had been in for days seem to magically disappear with just one walk.

Is that all we had needed? Then why was it so hard to start? Why was the first step so difficult? It had felt like we were sinking in mud. Now we felt…magic.

Sometimes when we are sad it’s easy to keep sinking. It’s harder to pull out of it. The Depression Monster is strong. But you are stronger. There are ones that need you. To them you are magic.

We have to not only nourish our bodies.

We have to learn. To see new things.

We have to smell new smells. To see the magic that is out there.

Magic is real.

Look around.

And if you can’t find it, look harder. Look in the mirror. You’re. Magic. And we believe in you.

Peanut Butter Brickle

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