What I Like

This is Peanut Butter Brickle. Oh, what a weekend at camp!

Who would have thought that there would be a campground for dogs and their persons?

Yes, this park is person friendly too.  But I suppose it would help if you like dogs….or love them.

There is a lot to do here at the campground.

Girl Person told me and Digby Pancake that it was a surprise for us, but I really think she wanted to come here more than anyone else. And that’s ok. She likes what she likes. And she likes dogs a lot.

We met many other dogs during our weekend. Some liked to play ball, some liked to play in the pond.

Some liked to shop in the store. Ok. That someone was me.

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Sometimes, I think that Girl Person expects us to like certain things like a certain dog park or a certain trail. But sometimes we particularly don’t. Because we are particular. We are all particular though, aren’t we?

Imagine if someone told you what you had to like. Imagine if someone told you all the time what you should like to do. How would you feel? What if they just wanted you to like what they liked? Just because we are dogs doesn’t mean we don’t care.

We really do care. Do you notice that?

What Girl Person expected us to like the most here was not what we in fact liked the most. And to her, it was eye opening. It made her understand that she was putting expectations on us to make her happy.

And she wondered if she was doing that to persons too. It’s easy to get caught up in life and not see how we are truly treating others.

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Giving others a chance to be who they are may not be what’s easy.

Especially for ones in our family, we have to let them be who they are even if that means we are different.

Being at a campground for dogs has been fun! We’ve met lots of nice people and friends.

And one of the best things about it was that we got to choose what we wanted to do, where we wanted to go. We got to be who we wanted to be. And isn’t that what we all deserve?

Stay tuned for our plans this week!

Peanut Butter Brickle

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